Help Brian & Tara Cornett!
Brian and Tara Cornett need immediate assistance to catch up their back rent, $4,000.00, before the end of July 2017, otherwise they will be without a place to live. After we raise those needed funds, we will come back to raising funds to help cover their rent, utilities and vehicle repairs expenses through February 2018, in order to give them sufficient time to physically and financially get back on their feet. Brian and Tara have been married since December 2010.
Here's a bit of the background story that got them into this unfortunate situation:
Brian is a veteran of the United States Marine , a talented self-employed knifemaker and struggles daily with UC (ulcerative colitis) he was diagnosed with almost 10 years ago, along with a hiatal hernia he has yet to get surgery for thru the Veteran's Administration. He also deals with PTSD. Brian started to pursue his God-given artistic talents around four (4) years ago with photography and the beginnings of his knifemaking work. He has developed into an extremely talented knifemaker, self-employed. Brian's UC often hits him quite hard. During employment at a company several years ago, he hurt his lower back, but the company refused to neither acknowledge his injury nor cover any medical care or expenses. Last fall he fell very ill, was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and required emergency gallbladder surgery. During his hospital stay, doctors determined his was quite anemic due to issues with his UC. This delayed his recovery significantly and he could not effectively work in his shop for close to 3-1/2 months. His inability to be able to do his knifemaking, dramatically affected his knife sales or be able to cover existing orders, and their income suffered. Stress exacerbates UC dramatically (ulcerative colitis - cannot be cured).
Tara is a talented writer, who while working as a waitress at a well-known restaurant chain (which we will not name) about 17 years ago, slipped and fell on the restaurant's wet kitchen floor horribly hurting her back (no "wet floor" signs were posted). She required significant surgery and was bedridden for over 10 years. While struggling with her back injury for many years, Tara developed fibromyalgia and chronic migraines. Lawyers did not handle the settlement with the restaurant chain properly and she barely received any compensation to cover a live-long disability. This all happened before Brian and Tara had met and married. She has been under the care of a doctor for many years, on Medicaid and receiving Social Security Disability. Until last fall 2016, her monthly disability payment helped to cover their housing rent. Around last October, her monthly disability payment was cut by over $200 without explanation. It was recently discovered that her doctor has over-medicated her with too many of the same symptom prescriptons, which a couple require almost like a detox to get off of and very dangerous to try to do. Many of these RX's have caused her more problems on top of the chronic migraines, fibromyalgia and back pain -- sensitivity to certain foods, weight gain, extreme tooth decay and an increase in migraines. About two years ago she has a miscarriage, and never was able to locate an ob/gyn that would take Medicaid to treat her and the subsequent medical issues that have occurred. Tara is not able to work outside the home. Because of the recent developments with her doctor, the mis-prescribed medications and increase of her chronic symptoms, she has barely been able to do any housework, much less try to do any type of "work from home" to help bring in some income. She really wants to help bring in income.
We need to raise $4,000 IMMEDIATELY to catch up their back rent that is due no later than July 31, 2017, or they will be forced to move, with no available options. Their landlord has really been understanding, letting them go for so long without rent payments, but cannot let it go any longer. Once we raise funds to cover the back rent, we will update this campaign with the new additional funds we need tp raise for near future support to allow Brian & Tara sufficient time to physically, mentally and financially get back on track.
We're also reaching out to the community for assistance in dealing with Social Security Disability, Medicaid, locating Medicaid doctors and dealing with the VA to obtain disability.
Funds are needed ASAP so Brian and Tara are able to concentrate on getting well and not deal with the stress worrying about their immediate financial future.