Help Bridget Secure Her Father's Legacy
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My name is Bridget, and my father passed away in February 2024, and we just had his funeral May 30th, were he was laid to his final rest at the Jacksonville National Cemetery in Jax, Fl. My father served 20 plus years in the Navy and also worked another 20 at Toyota JoyServ off Talleyrand in Jax. My father was a great man who loved everyone especially his daughter (me) and his four grandkids (2 grandsons and 2 granddaughters as well as 2 great grandchildren a little girl and little boy). My dad was also widowed by his wife who passed 2 and a half weeks prior in Feb 2024. She had 3 daughters that was my his step kids as well as their children etc. My dad was 70 and in a nursing home towards the end of his life due to Parkinson’s but his was a rare kind Aggressive Progress Neurological Palsy which left him unable to communicate and due to that he was unable to complete a will. Which now leaves all his estate unclaimed and in probate. Since I’m his only next of Kin I will need to hire a Probate lawyer in order to obtain his estate and the total cost is $3650 and a 3 % fee that will be assessed after we win this. I need to hire this lawyer as soon as possible as his home is in foreclosure due to none payment and the lawyer can save that once probate starts but at the moment I am on an approved Leave of Absence due to my failing health from all the stress of my mother suffering a stroke in Jan 2024, then my dads wife passing and then my father 2 and a half weeks later. So any savings and money that I have I can only pay rent, insurance, auto insurance and all bills until I return to work as I’m not eligible at this time for my short term or long term disability due to not being employed long enough to claim those benefits at this time. I could really use any and all help at this time in this matter and as I know we are all suffering hard times, prayers or anything in that nature are greatly appreciated as well. Thanks so much in advance and God Bless.

Bridget Colon
Denton, TX