Help bring my Partner Kasia home to start a family
We are Kasia and Adam and had met in Adelaide, South Australia on Adam's driveway while Kasia was on a trip from Poland in September 2019. We clicked and quickly fell in love. We met again in South Korea, where Kasia has been working ever since and have become certain we want to spend our lives together. So, we registered our relationship in Australia and since October 2020, we have been constantly applying for a travel exemption for Kasia so that we can be together and start a family in Australia. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have only been able to talk to each other via Skype and Messenger. We spend several hours per day like this, but we hope that we can finally reunite.
We are depressed due to the constant rejection from the Australian Border Force. We would like to have the best guidance for application, therefore would like to contract Immigration Lawyers who are also very expensive. We would like to submit our application with certainty but cannot afford the combined costs including the visa, flights and quarantine fees among others.
Your contribution will bring light to our lives dearly.
We hope that Kasia can get to travel here by October 2021 this year.
Thank you for supporting us - we would certainly like to invite those who support us for a celebration once we unite!