Help bring our father home to heal
Donation protected

After having covid and recovering he began having throat problems where he was in and out of the hospital being told it was strep throat. His throat closed up and he was admitted into the hospital back in March where the doctors found out that he had a large osteophyte growing in his neck. Which are bone spurs from a rare back disease which he definitely needed surgery to have it removed.
After being transferred to another hospital to perform the surgery, he was discharged for outpatient surgery and placed on more medication and told to wait for someone to call him. Well, after he finished the medication and waiting for the ENT specialist appointment his throat closed up and his vocal chords became paralyzed! He then got admitted again to a 3rd hospital. He had to be diagnosed again, reviewed and have constant testing done to figure out why his throat closed up. Causing so much pain and more discomfort to to his throat, an ENT team diagnosed him with the same issue as 3 weeks prior. My poor dad was transferred now to a 4th hospital to have the surgery performed. Once again on his arrival they wanted to discharge for out patient surgery! I advocated and called everyone in that hospital and said NO!! After many calls, and requests they decided to keep him and schedule the surgery a week from his arrival!
Now we are reaching May, 5 months with his pain! My dad now 40lbs down, tired, weak, malnourished was not strong enough for surgery. Another waiting game, on April 29th we almost lost him! My father went into respiratory distress and stopped breathing on his own. Now he was transferred to ICU intubated and placed on a ventilator. We had to watch our dad fight for his life because a surgery that should have happened a month ago kept getting delayed! Being on a ventilator in ICU for four days was the hardest and longest days for our family! Due to him being in ICU his clinical team finally decided to have his surgery on Monday.
He is finally in recovery and breathing on his own! He is still in ICU for observation and will have an extensive list of therapies to get his voice back and recovery from all the issues he had leading up to the surgery. He will not be able to work anymore. Waiting for SSI and disability will be a long waiting game. I am hoping with this gofund me can help him get caught up on all his medical bills and finances. We don't want our dad having to stress anymore and just take this time to heal and rest. It means so much to our family if anyone can contribute anything to bless him once he is home from the hospital. Much love ❤ the Nungaray family!
Nancy Nungaray
Lancaster, CA