Help Bring Verseball to the World Stage
Donation protected
Greetings friends,
I am raising funds to promote the re-creation of the world's most exciting new sport: Verseball.
Verseball is a new sport that my cousin and I invented in 2004 while we were teaching gymnastics and sports to youth at a gym in Arizona. It is a sport that is played on a triangular field with pyramidal-shaped goals and with three teams of three players each. The Verseball website contains more information, including videos and instructions.
When we first created Verseball, the youth loved it so much that they wanted to keep playing for hours, even under the sweltering rays of the summer sun in Arizona. Later, I brought the equipment with me to Utah where I taught many others how to play—at elementary schools, with church groups, and so forth—and it was a hit.
More recently, I introduced the sport to a group of friends who are very excited to play it again. I also shared the sport with my friend in Canada who teaches physical education classes, and he informed me that Verseball is now one of his students' favorite sports.
Verseball is a sport that is accessible to all, and it teaches a wide variety of skills, using both hands and feet. It will get children, youth, and even adults off the couch, away from video games and technology, and out onto the field to exercise. My dream is that one day Verseball will even become an Olympic sport.
In the meantime, I am raising funds in order to re-create, improve, and disseminate this great sport. The funds will be used to create new and better equipment, including the design and production of a unique ball, a Verseball. The funds will also be used to improve the website and help to distribute the sport to others who want to play.
Please help make this Verseball dream into a reality.
Thank you for your support.

John Hancock
Provo, UT