Help LAPD Bryan's surviving family for future
To our loving friends and family,
It is with grieving news that we inform you of the passing of our dearest Bryan Delavan. We will always remember him for his generosity, the love for his friends and family, his passion for LAPD, living life, his contagious humor, and his beautiful soul. He has impacted everyone that he crossed in such a positive way. He loved serving with the LAPD and worked endlessly to provide for his stay at home wife and two sons.
On July 10, Bryan had a fever of 102 thinking he caught a flu. He did have Covid vaccines back in December, so he knew it wasn't Covid. On the following morning, his fever came down, but he still felt drousy. His wife left him home & took 2 sons to grand mother's house for babysitting. About 1 hour later, when she returned home, she found him lying on the floor, not breathing. She immediately called 911 & ambulance came, but he was already passed away. Coroner's office came to investigate, and his body was taken away for investigation. To this date, cause of his death is still not known and still being investigated. He had just turned 38-years-young in May, is survived by his beautiful and loving wife, two precious little sons, father, mother and brother.
We are never prepared for the unexpected and losing our loved one so suddenly has been unimaginable. Your generosity will be tremendously helpful to our family especially Yuko and the kids. Your much needed donations will be used towards his funeral expenses as well as help his wife and kids with the unexpected financial burden of the lost of their loved one. Bryan's service will be held on July 29 in Westminster Memorial. We will continue to give you funeral arrangements and updates here on GoFundMe and Facebook.
We sincerely appreciate and thank you so much for all your prayers, support, and for the love you have given us during this difficult time.
With much appreciation and love,
The Delavan Family
私の名前は足立芳文と言いLAPD Detective ブライアン デラヴァン の義理の父です。ブライアンは 2021年7月11日 (これを書いている10日ほど前)に38歳で突然この世を去りました。私たち家族は突然の訃報に考えるすべも失い失意の底に打ち砕かれました。