Help Build International Solidarity for the Poor of the U.S.
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Organizations from our movement to end poverty are hosting a special delegation this month, and we need your help to make it a success!
We will have representatives from two international partner organizations. One is the Centro Memorial Martin Luther King (CMLK) in the Caribbean, which is an international leader in popular education and in the ecumenical movement. The second is the Landless Rural Workers Movement (or MST) from Brazil, which is the largest social movement in the hemisphere organizing the poor in Brazil around the struggle for land, and trains movement leaders from around the world.
This visit builds on years of our network’s international solidarity, as well as the successful Nonviolent Medicaid Army brigade from this past March, where the CMLK hosted us, and the MST participated on a panel with the Vermont Workers Center and Put People First! PA. In July of this year, the MST also received representatives of PPF-PA and the NVMA on a delegation to learn about each other's work.
On this upcoming visit, we will continue building internationalist solidarity between our movements & organizations of the poor in the U.S. and our comrades abroad! The exchange includes the membership assembly of the United Workers of Maryland, time with movement leaders in Albany, with the Kairos Center for Religions, Rights and Social Justice, and the membership assembly of Put People First! PA.
We are a people’s movement, and so we are funded by the people - thanks for sharing what you can!
moses mcgavin
Baltimore, MD
United Workers