Help Burying
Mario was a 33 year old man who lived by his self and had his own everything. He worked everyday and mind his own business. He was a loving young man and didn’t mind helping. Unfortunately a man shot and killed him on October 14, 2020 our lives will never be the same. Leaving behind his niece and nephews who he loved and adored. Not to mention when the police arrived they didn’t help as much as they should or could have. The police was called because my brother Mario had been shot and needed help, when the police got there two ladies told them he had been shot and had a seizure he need help. They put rifles in the two ladies faces as well as other peoples face and were yelling put your hands up! My brother Mario was saying “I CAN’T BREATHE” the police looked at him and yelled show me your hands again my brother Mario said I can’t breath he was completely unarmed. “A lady and a man yelled help him he’s gonna die”. They asked that they see Mario’s hands while he kept saying I can’t breathe. The officer kicked Mario causing people to get upset and they began to yell STOP! Get him some help this man is going to die people were going in they homes bringing out towels. They told them Mario keep saying he can’t breathe get him some oxygen NOW! The police tried to get in Mario’s home not once, but several times. Some people said they heard the officers saying it’s locked. People started telling the officers that he was shot outside why does getting in his home matter? My mom and I were running fast as we can to get to him when we got there the officers were yelling back up our mother said he’s my son and I said he’s my brother, my brother shoe and sock was off his foot (I don’t know why) and he was reaching out to our mom the officers again yelled back up and rushed past her. I don’t know if anyone has ever been through that where your son is reaching out for his mom and she can’t even hold his hand just for a second. It’s a terrible feeling a feeling I don’t wish on anyone. I don’t know why that man would take my brother Mario’s life he was a good guy he loved helping people he was very respectful and well mannered especially to the elderly. Our mother LaTonya Is devastated. Please lift our family in prayer no mother should have to burry their child. If it’s on your heart to give a donation please do no amount is too big or too small everything helps.
Thank you,
Jennifer Robertson