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Help Byza With a new Stream PC

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My commentary background originates from Gamestah Tv. Coming from Counter Strike Source (CS:S) background my natural way of calling was to be play by play (PBP). Gamestah gave me the opportunity to learn & grow while casting with many different talents! As of September 2016, I parted ways with the organisation to pursue my Rocket League sports commentary dream. 
I am currently an E-sports commentator that supports community streams & organisations looking to further their content. I'm also into graphic design, selling in-game overlays for Rocket League.  

With the amount of streaming i do my CPU is showing signs of quality dropping and im afraid mid stream my computer is just going to shut off and not come back on.

So, looking at my specs i will need New CPU, Motherboard & Ram, i have some money but not enough, and im coming out of my contact work without another job to go to. so i cant spend any money. Hard times a head but hopefully you guys can help me.

Byron "Byza" Barker



  • T Tasty
    • $871
    • 7 yrs


Byron Barker
Bentley DC, WA

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