Help Carol Sick
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This is Carol aunt and my Mom's closest relative in the area. A lot of people may know her as she has worked in the cafeterias in Wayland Cohocton school for many years. Back in November my Mom went to check on my aunt Carol because she was supposed to come to her house and she never showed up. She found her on the floor and almost not responsive. She was sent by ambulance to Noyes hospital in Dansville where they found bleeding in her brain and sent her to Strong hospital in the ICU. The entire family was on pins and needles waiting to see if she would recover and if there would be any brain damage. By some grace of God she made in through with only a minor lose of memory and had occassional moments of confusion, but was eventually able to live on her own and function in daily life.
We were told that the cause of her bleeding on the brain had something to do with something on the membrane in her brain that made the membranes very brittle so that too much pressure, like high blood pressure, could cause the membranes to easily rupture and cause brain bleeds. They told us there was really no cure except to try to keep the pressure from increasing and causing more ruptures. We were worried that it could happen again at any time and she may not be so lucky to survive another rupture. They later found out that she had 2 aneurysms in her that was very severe and could kill her if it ruptured. So she had surgery to remove the aneurysm in the end of February. Everyone including my aunt Carol was worried because brain surgery is very scary and you just never know what will be the result!
The surgery itself went very well....they did remove the aneurysm and after a lot of sleeping my aunt Carol finally woke up! Unfortunately she is not really okay though. She suffered 2 more brain bleeds after the surgery and had issues with her kidneys because she wasnt eating or drinking properly. She can walk and talk but she is very confused and seems to not have any short term memory. She does not remember that she had an aneurysm or that she had surgery and most days she doesn't even realize that she is in a hospital! She also has forgotten that her husband and her mother passed away years ago. She does recognize friends and family members but her memory is so bad that she totally mixes up information and the times in her life that she knew people and events. It is very difficult to have a true conversation with her. At times she had to be restrained from leaving her hospital room and now requires an aid to be present to keep her safe. The doctors originally thought that once she started healing that her memory would improve......but it has not. The doctors now believe that she cannot go into a rehab because they are not able to handle her memory issues. She instead needs to be in a nursing home and no one can tell us for how long or if she will ever recover enough to go home again!
My aunt Carol is still currently in the hospital going on the fourth week while they search for a space in a nursing home and figure out how to financially pay for it. My aunt Carol has not been able to return to work for many months and has only been living on her social security. She still has a home that needs to be maintained and many bills that need to still be paid. And now she will have many. many medical bills to deal with as well.
My Mother, Joan King, has been doing everything she possibly can to help my aunt recover. She visits her everyday, makes sure that she gets cleaned up, she tries to get her to eat and drink, and she has been trying to maintain the finances for my aunt's home and all her expenses. She is working with financial helpers to try to figure out how to fund pay for her mortgage and her bills, and to pay for the nursing home care she needs. She cannot possibly do it all by herself! I am putting this out there in hope that people out there who I know want to help, but arent sure how they can have an option. Money is needed to pay for all of her medical care and to pay her bills at home. She needs people to go visit her as she is very lonely in the hospital and my Mom cannot be there every second of every day! She does recognize and remember people.....she just gets confused and mixes up things when you talk to her and sometimes she doesn't remember when people have visited but she needs it! Maybe the more reminders she gets will help her memory even more. God has allowed her to come this far and I have to believe there is a reason! The prayers and wishes of everyone have helped us make it this far and we are all so grateful and we are hoping to keep the love and concern flowing! Thank You for taking your time to read this and consider helping my aunt Carol during this tough time!
We were told that the cause of her bleeding on the brain had something to do with something on the membrane in her brain that made the membranes very brittle so that too much pressure, like high blood pressure, could cause the membranes to easily rupture and cause brain bleeds. They told us there was really no cure except to try to keep the pressure from increasing and causing more ruptures. We were worried that it could happen again at any time and she may not be so lucky to survive another rupture. They later found out that she had 2 aneurysms in her that was very severe and could kill her if it ruptured. So she had surgery to remove the aneurysm in the end of February. Everyone including my aunt Carol was worried because brain surgery is very scary and you just never know what will be the result!
The surgery itself went very well....they did remove the aneurysm and after a lot of sleeping my aunt Carol finally woke up! Unfortunately she is not really okay though. She suffered 2 more brain bleeds after the surgery and had issues with her kidneys because she wasnt eating or drinking properly. She can walk and talk but she is very confused and seems to not have any short term memory. She does not remember that she had an aneurysm or that she had surgery and most days she doesn't even realize that she is in a hospital! She also has forgotten that her husband and her mother passed away years ago. She does recognize friends and family members but her memory is so bad that she totally mixes up information and the times in her life that she knew people and events. It is very difficult to have a true conversation with her. At times she had to be restrained from leaving her hospital room and now requires an aid to be present to keep her safe. The doctors originally thought that once she started healing that her memory would improve......but it has not. The doctors now believe that she cannot go into a rehab because they are not able to handle her memory issues. She instead needs to be in a nursing home and no one can tell us for how long or if she will ever recover enough to go home again!
My aunt Carol is still currently in the hospital going on the fourth week while they search for a space in a nursing home and figure out how to financially pay for it. My aunt Carol has not been able to return to work for many months and has only been living on her social security. She still has a home that needs to be maintained and many bills that need to still be paid. And now she will have many. many medical bills to deal with as well.
My Mother, Joan King, has been doing everything she possibly can to help my aunt recover. She visits her everyday, makes sure that she gets cleaned up, she tries to get her to eat and drink, and she has been trying to maintain the finances for my aunt's home and all her expenses. She is working with financial helpers to try to figure out how to fund pay for her mortgage and her bills, and to pay for the nursing home care she needs. She cannot possibly do it all by herself! I am putting this out there in hope that people out there who I know want to help, but arent sure how they can have an option. Money is needed to pay for all of her medical care and to pay her bills at home. She needs people to go visit her as she is very lonely in the hospital and my Mom cannot be there every second of every day! She does recognize and remember people.....she just gets confused and mixes up things when you talk to her and sometimes she doesn't remember when people have visited but she needs it! Maybe the more reminders she gets will help her memory even more. God has allowed her to come this far and I have to believe there is a reason! The prayers and wishes of everyone have helped us make it this far and we are all so grateful and we are hoping to keep the love and concern flowing! Thank You for taking your time to read this and consider helping my aunt Carol during this tough time!
Wendy Wambold
Wayland, NY