Help CCT support unaccompanied teenaged immigrants
Dozens of Central American teenaged immigrants are being exploited at local workplaces, including seafood companies and Market Basket supermarket. They came to the U.S to escape crushing poverty and lack of opportunity, or to escape abusive situations, and are employed in violation of labor laws. They work because they need to – they must support themselves and help their families back home. 17-year old Juana is one of several teenaged girls who were sexually harassed by supervisors or co-workers at Market Basket, and others have experienced workplace injuries and other forms of abuse. The photo above shows the hand of a teenaged boy who suffered chemical burns at a local seafood processing plant.
CCT is helping over two dozen young immigrants pursue legal remedies, obtain work authorization, and secure other forms of immigration relief, but in the meantime they need to take care of their daily needs. Your donation will help CCT provide them with funds to purchase food, clothing, and pay their rent.
Here's how we'll use these funds:
$12,000 will support rental assistance.
$5,000 will help purchase food
$3,000 will help purchase toiletries and clothing
More information about Centro Comunitario de Trabajadores: CCT is a workers’ center serving immigrant and low wage workers in New Bedford and nearby communities. It is founded, staffed, and governed entirely by immigrant workers. Our multifaceted approach addresses individual workers' complaints; focuses on specific workplaces with a history of exploitative conditions; and targets temporary agencies which provide a smokescreen for employers to hide their reliance upon unauthorized workers. We do this by empowering workers to advocate for themselves.

Atlantic Red Crab is one of the companies under investigation for labor law violations in hiring underage workers
Adrian Ventura
New Bedford, MA
Centro Comunitario de Trabajadores