Support for Cecilia: Recovery and Hope
Donation protected

My name is Vicky, and I am reaching out with a deeply personal and urgent appeal. My cousin, Cecilia, only 19 years old and full of dreams and aspirations, was involved in a life-altering car accident on the early morning of Thanksgiving, November 23. She was traveling with her boyfriend’s family on Highway 99 in Merced County, California, when a vehicle, driven by a 22-year-old on the wrong side of the freeway, struck their SUV, causing it to overturn. In a moment that showcased the best of humanity, several kind-hearted passersby rushed to help everyone out of the car before it caught fire.
This devastating accident tragically took the life of her boyfriend’s mother. Cecilia suffered critical injuries, including a broken femur and fractures in both hands. She was airlifted to a hospital in Modesto, where her battle for recovery began. The father and sister also suffered major and minor injuries, respectively. They are on their own paths to healing.
Following her initial treatment, Cecilia has been transferred to a rehabilitation center in San Mateo County. At just 19, she faces a rigorous two-month program aimed at helping her walk again. This journey is not just about physical healing; it’s a fight to reclaim the life she once knew. Before this tragedy, Cecilia was on the cusp of starting an important internship at a hospital, a step towards her dream career. Now, she is unable to work or earn, her aspirations on hold.
As her family, our hearts are heavy with sorrow. We reach out to you, our community, for support in these trying times. We’ve set up this GoFundMe campaign to assist with Cecilia’s mounting medical bills – surgeries, rehabilitation, and continuous care. The road ahead is steep, filled with challenges both known and unforeseen. Your financial assistance, no matter the amount, would immensely alleviate the burden on Cecilia and our family.
Through this ordeal, we’ve been painfully reminded of life’s unpredictability and the invaluable role of community in overcoming adversity. We are profoundly grateful for any support – donations, sharing this campaign, or simply keeping Cecilia in your thoughts and prayers.
Please join us in supporting Cecilia’s brave journey to recovery. Let us come together and show her that she is not alone, that there is strength and hope in unity.
Thank you for your compassion, your kindness, and your generosity in helping a young life find its way back to hope and health.
Mi nombre es Vicky, y me dirijo a ustedes con un llamado profundamente personal y urgente. Mi prima, Cecilia, de apenas 19 años y llena de sueños y aspiraciones, estuvo involucrada en un accidente automovilístico que cambió su vida la madrugada del Día de Acción de Gracias, el 23 de noviembre. Viajaba con la familia de su novio por la autopista 99 en el condado de Merced, California, cuando un vehículo, conducido por un joven de 22 años en el lado incorrecto de la autopista, chocó contra su SUV, haciendo que volcara. En un momento que mostró lo mejor de la humanidad, varios transeúntes de buen corazón se apresuraron a ayudar a todos a salir del auto antes de que se incendiara.
Este devastador accidente cobró trágicamente la vida de la madre de su novio. Cecilia sufrió heridas graves, incluyendo una fractura de fémur y fracturas en ambas manos. Fue trasladada en helicóptero a un hospital en Modesto, donde comenzó su lucha por la recuperación. El padre y la hermana también sufrieron lesiones mayores y menores, respectivamente. Ellos están en sus propios caminos hacia la recuperación.
Después de su tratamiento inicial, Cecilia ha sido trasladada a un centro de rehabilitación en el condado de San Mateo. A sus 19 años, enfrenta un riguroso programa de dos meses para ayudarla a caminar de nuevo. Este viaje no es solo sobre la recuperación física; es una lucha por recuperar la vida que una vez conoció. Antes de esta tragedia, Cecilia estaba a punto de comenzar una importante pasantía en un hospital, un paso hacia su carrera soñada. Ahora, no puede trabajar ni ganar dinero, sus aspiraciones están en espera.
Como su familia, nuestros corazones están cargados de tristeza. Nos dirigimos a ustedes, nuestra comunidad, en busca de apoyo en estos momentos difíciles. Hemos creado esta campaña de GoFundMe para ayudar con las crecientes facturas médicas de Cecilia: cirugías, rehabilitación y cuidado continuo. El camino por delante es arduo, lleno de desafíos tanto conocidos como imprevistos. Su ayuda financiera, sin importar la cantidad, aliviaría enormemente la carga sobre Cecilia y nuestra familia.
A través de esta prueba, hemos sido dolorosamente recordados de la imprevisibilidad de la vida y del invaluable papel de la comunidad en la superación de la adversidad. Estamos profundamente agradecidos por cualquier apoyo: donaciones, compartir esta campaña o simplemente mantener a Cecilia en sus pensamientos y oraciones.
Por favor, únase a nosotros en apoyar el valiente viaje de recuperación de Cecilia. Unámonos y demostremos que no está sola, que hay fuerza y esperanza en la unidad.
Gracias por su compasión, su bondad y su generosidad al ayudar a una joven vida a encontrar su camino de regreso a la esperanza y la salud.
Update on Cecilia’s Journey to Recovery
Dear Friends and Supporters,
As we continue to navigate through this challenging time, I am filled with hope and gratitude to share some positive updates about my cousin Cecilia’s recovery journey. Your unwavering support and kindness have been a beacon of light for us, and I believe it's important to keep you informed about her progress.
Transfer to Aftercare Clinic (November 29, 2023): Shortly after our last update, Cecilia was transferred from Memorial Hospital to a specialized aftercare clinic. This move marked a significant step in her recovery, providing her with focused rehabilitation services.
A Milestone Achievement (December 12, 2023): In a moment that brought tears of joy to our eyes, Cecilia was able to lift and bend her legs for the first time since the accident. Witnessing this feat was a testament to her resilience and the expert care she has been receiving.
First Steps Towards Healing (December 26, 2023): With determination and courage, Cecilia took her first steps on December 26th. Each step was a small victory, symbolizing her strength and the possibilities that lie ahead.
Upcoming Transition to Home Care (Next Week): We are thrilled to announce that Cecilia will be released from the clinic next week to continue her recovery at our grandmother's house. This transition to home care is a significant milestone in her journey towards normalcy.
Removal of Pins/Cast (January 15, 2024): Looking ahead, Cecilia is scheduled to have her pins and cast removed on January 15th. This procedure is expected to further aid in her mobility and bring her closer to full recovery.
Each of these steps forward renews our hope and reinforces the power of community support. Cecilia’s journey is far from over, but with each passing day, she is reclaiming pieces of the life she cherished. We remain deeply grateful for your continued support, whether through donations, sharing our story, or keeping Cecilia in your thoughts and prayers.
As we witness her brave fight, we are reminded of the strength that lies in unity and compassion.
Thank you for being a part of Cecilia’s journey and for helping a young, vibrant life find its path back to hope and health.
With heartfelt thanks,
Vicky and Family

Organizer and beneficiary
Vicky Jimenez
Redwood City, CA
María A Jimenez