Help celebrate Teresa's birthday
Tax deductible
This year I am donating Teresa's birthday to her school, the CTC Academy. Teresa has been attending the school since she was only 13 months old, and it has been Teresa's single biggest influence in her growth and development. The year, the school is raising funds for the renovation of their Fairlawn Campus. This is the same campus I brought Teresa to at 13 months and where she continued until she was 8 years old. The Fairlawn campus is in need of renovations and your help is needed and appreciated. The earliest of interventions for children with any handicap can make the biggest difference in their growth and development. The CTC Academy has been serving families like mine, for decades. Help them to continue to help other children and their families. The school is a private non for profit school and any contribution is deeply appreciated.
Teresa will be turning 17 years old on Friday, June 1, 2018 and she has spent almost 16 years at the school where she now attends its high school in Oakland. I will never forget those early years in Fairlawn where both my child and I encountered true professionals in the most caring and supportive setting. These early years for any parent are the most life changing. I am incredibly grateful to have found this school for my child and count myself as very lucky as many more of these schools are needed. The existing schools funding has been cut substantially under the Christie administration last year and your help is needed. You can visit the school at their website www.ctcacademy.org. THANK YOU!
Teresa will be turning 17 years old on Friday, June 1, 2018 and she has spent almost 16 years at the school where she now attends its high school in Oakland. I will never forget those early years in Fairlawn where both my child and I encountered true professionals in the most caring and supportive setting. These early years for any parent are the most life changing. I am incredibly grateful to have found this school for my child and count myself as very lucky as many more of these schools are needed. The existing schools funding has been cut substantially under the Christie administration last year and your help is needed. You can visit the school at their website www.ctcacademy.org. THANK YOU!
Maria Gesualdi
West New York, NJ
The Children's Therapy Center