Help Chase and Michaela stay on their feet
Hello Everyone,
As we all the know the pandemic has taken a toll on our lives, between lockdowns, loss of work, and staying home to keep family safe many of us have seen some extremely hard times. The past year and half has been a rollercoaster of emotions, health stress, and living extremely close to the edge in regards of finances and staying afloat. We have been living on a single income since the beginning of the pandemic as Addie-Mae's lung condition meant keeping her home 24/7 in the midst of the pandemic; being told by her doctors she would not survive COVID and that she could not be around others, especially in a daycare setting meant one of us needed to stay home with her.
Most of the pandemic we have made ends meet and kept rent and bills paid but had to turn to government assistance to keep food on the table, unfortunately for us this past month our assistance has been discontinued.
Addie-Mae has finally been cleared to go to nursery school and starts in a safe facility in about a week, and Michaela goes back to teaching with the start of the school year after Labor Day. Although these changes will put us back in a beneficial financial situation we have rent, nursery school tuition, and bills prior to my next check and the start Michaela’s pay schedule. We are asking for help to get groceries and be able to put food on the table and pack lunches until we are back on our feet. We hate to ask and would love to repay and or thank anyone who is able to help during this time.
We know the pandemic has taken a toll on us all and promise to pay forward any help we receive once we are back on our feet later next month. I set the fundraising goal at $300 as that will allow to pay Addie-Mae's preschool on time and avoid a late fee, but any amount will help us keep food on the table for the next couple weeks.