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Help Chelly & Chillin, Stuff Stolen

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Hey guys. Yesterday on the way to Socal from G5, we stopped at an In n Out to get some food. While we were inside, someone broke into Shab's car through the back window and stole Chelly and I's backpacks, which contained thousands in valuables. Both backpacks contained our respective laptops and Switches, as well as several Switch games, controllers, and GameCube controllers. My car keys were also stolen, along with Chelly's phone. Thankfully we were unharmed, but obviously losing several thousand dollars worth of stuff while traveling was pretty rough for us.

Any help you can give is super appreciated. Any and all funds we get will go exclusively toward replacing lost items, starting with my car keys and Chelly's phone and then the laptops and Switches. My new Typo controller was also stolen in the bag so I'm looking to get another good controller asap.

My sincerest thanks go to anyone who can help us out after such an unfortunate incident. Sharing this to help us is also very appreciated! Thank you for reading.


  • Chilluminati
    • $286 (Offline)
    • 7 yrs


Kashan Khan
Woodbridge, VA

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