Help Peka Choo close the shunt to her Heart! ❤️
Hi Friends!
We took Chica-Peka in just 4 mos. ago to help her find a home and fell in love. She is only 11 mos. old and steals the hearts of everyone she meets. She wants to live❤️
Recently I took her in to the vet to get her spayed, and at that time, I also shared with them I was concerned about her heart. Sadly, we learned that she has an enlarged heart almost 3 times the normal size and pumping to much blood. Her valve from her heart didn’t shut properly after she was born. Thankfully we learned with Surgery she can live a normal life. The Surgery will Cost over $5,000. Without the surgery they have given her six months or she will die from fluid in her lungs and heart failure. Peka needs your help- we love her so much and she deserves a a good life. Please help us if you can! ❤️ I have fostered animals over the last 20 years and I worked hard to find them all good homes. I gave them the best I could offer, and I was also extremely selective with finding them safe homes. I have never asked for help while fostering these animals. We provided a caring space until they found their forever homes. But now, here I am humbly asking for your help and dropping my ego to do this myself. We are devastated and hope that you can contribute anything you are capable of doing to help us save her. I promise we are working hard to do our part- my son is also raising money, selling his favorites, his awesome bike & vintage stuff for her medication. We have prayed hard, we have thought about just letting her live her best life... but why should she suffer uncomfortably and be exhausted if we can help her? If you can donate $5, or share this post it would be so appreciated. It would mean the world to us, and her.
Thank you and much love!
Thank you!!❤️❤️❤️