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Help Chris Krajca's family

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On Thursday, June 1st 2017 three year-old Zoey Hope Krajca was scheduled for an appointment with her pediatrician for extreme pain in tummy.

She had similar symptoms in April that were assessed as constipation. After an emergency room visit to rule out appendicitis, she was treated at home and the symptoms seemed to go away. On May 25, Zoey once again complained of tummy pain and was again treated as if it were constipation. This went on for several days until an appointment was made for June 1st.

The family was taking Daddy, Chris, to work, but Zoey was in so much pain she wanted to go directly to her appointment, but Daddy was taken to work.

At the appointment, the pediatrician was adamant that Zoey be taken to Cook's Children's Emergency Room. the pediatrician gave Mommy, Terra, further instructions to get blood work and a sonogram. At the ER, it was determined that there was definitely "something" and Zoey was admitted to the hospital. At approximately 1:30 Terra called Chris and told him to get to the hospital immediately. He was able to borrow a vehicle and get to the hospital before Zoey was moved from the ER to her hospital room.

Later that evening, a CT scan would eventually reveal that Zoey had a tumor slightly larger than a softball involving her right kidney. There was a secondary tomor on her lung. This was first suspected to be a neuroblastoma, but Friday morning, June 2nd, that was changed to be a nefroblastoma, also known as a Wilm's Tumor.

The staff suggested that if the main tumor could be removed without rupturing the tumor they would, otherwise they would just do a biopsy to determine the next course of action.

On Friday afternoon, the surgeon and staff were able to successfully remove the tumor and right kidney and sampled some suspicious enlarged lymph nodes in the area. Actual pathology resulst are not expected until mid week around June 7th, so Zoey's treatment is still unclear.

Over the weekend, Zoey started recovering from her surgery. On Sunday, she began showing signs of her normal self, wanting to do things "my own self". She was able to get up and down, with little assistance, and walk to the bathroom and then climb back into bed.

Chris just recently ended a six month period of "under" employment and has started a new job as a contractor on April 10th. Their house was recently put on the market for sale simply because it has become too much for the family to support. Chris and the family watched the home being built in 2009 only to become victims of the downturn in the banking/housing industry at that time. Chris was dismissed from a new job the same day that the first mortgage bill arrived in the mail. God provided ways then for the family to be able to keep the house. Once again, the family is behind on mortgage payments and the home is in danger of forclosure.

Although the house has been shown many times since being put on the market, there have been no bids, and with this new development with Zoey, the family has decided to stop showing the home until further notice.

This fund is not neccessarily being set up for medical costs, but to support the family home and relieve the burden it has become on the family budget.

The family has experienced an overwhelming amount of prayer and support for Zoey. Many friends and others have offered to help and to "just let us know". Chris and Terra have agreed that they do not want to deny anyone their opportunity to bless someone and have established this fund with that in mind. They have set up this fund to allow them to serve their God by showing any amout of generosity they are able to.

The goal of this fund is to provide the family a way to be able to love on one another and not have to worry about selling a home that has become otherwise unaffordable.

Zoey will start treatment soon after the doctors know more about the tumor. Undoubtedly there will be a lot of new bills, but it is Chris and Terra's desire to spend more time with Zoey and her sisters, Charleigh and Shelby as this new phase of their lives develops.

Thank you in advance for your generosity and may God bless you through your giving.

The Krajca family, Chris, Terra, Charleigh, Shelby, and Zoey.


  • Cathi Cox
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Chris Krajca
Fort Worth, TX

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