Help Cindy beat Stage 4 Stomach Cancer!
Hi, my name is Cindy Sandoval I'm 28 years old and I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer (gastric adenocarcinoma) this will be my second time battling cancer as three years ago I overcame thyroid cancer. I'm trying to keep a positive outlook and my bubbly happy attitude throughout this experience. I have faith in God that I will beat this cancer too! Unfortunately, due to my chemo treatment I am unable to work and my insurance is only covering a portion of my hospital bills. Please consider helping my cancer journey and donating to my cause.
My symptoms started in early 2020 as heart burn and extreme stomach pain, it got so bad that I could barely eat or when I did I would throw up my food. I went to the doctor and it was brushed off as acid reflux but with time and more pain continuing I kept going back as I knew something felt very wrong. After months and multiple doctor visits the doctor requested we do a gastroscopy and immediately they saw that it was stomach cancer. Stomach cancer is one of the deadliest cancers in the world and very rare for anyone under the age of 50 which is why I was originally misdiagnosed due to being considered "too young and healthy".
Once I was diagnosed I was recommended to go to the Cancer Treatment Center of America located in Chicago where I further found out I have Stage 4 stomach cancer. I've been doing chemo therapy since April 2021 and expect to continue until next year. All this has completely changed my outlook on life, as someone who was a workaholic and never prioritized myself, having this experience has been a wakeup call for me. I believe God has given me a second chance to cherish the time spent with my family and loved ones and to live everyday like its my last.
I am incredibly grateful for the support that I have and appreciate everyone taking the time to hear my story. I have faith in God that things will get better and I will beat this Cancer!
If you would like to follow my story for more updates you can follow me on-
Instagram- @Cindy4everlove
Facebook- Cindy Sandoval