Help Citizens Advice Sunderland
I work for Sunderland Area Parent Support (SAPS) and last year we were victim of an arson attack. Through the power of an amazing lady and Go Fund Me we raised thousands which made an amazing difference to enable us to provide our services to vulnerable members of the community.
We know the devastation of these reckless and pointless actions and would now like to assist Citizens Advice Sunderland who have been victim of the horrific riots in Sunderland last night.
They said ‘Our chief officer has been to the offices today (we have two offices two doors apart from each other). One is completely destroyed as you will have seen, the other seems to have a lot of smoke damage, a smashed door and the shutter was cut open by the fire service, but we aren't allowed inside so we can't see the true extent of the damage.
It's hard to know what the next steps will be, but we have a great team here and we will be back helping the people of Sunderland on Monday, just not in our usual office’
The Citizens Advice is there for all members of our community to use, they have the most amazing team (many of whom are volunteers) and are determined to be back operating ASAP!
From the bottom of our hearts we ask for the kindness shown to us to be extended to this amazing service.
ALL MONEY RAISED WILL GO DIRECTLY TO CITIZENS ADVICE SUNDERLAND. Please tick gift aid if you are eligible. A million thanks.
Sharyn Smiles