Coach Donald Richards Medical & Scholarship Fund
Dear Friends, Families, Swimmers, Golfers and Students,
Our beloved Coach Donald Richards was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer in January 2021. Coach is a fighter and courageously completed six rounds of chemotherapy which, unfortunately, was ineffective. He is currently at home with his wife Irma and he wishes to spend his final days there, but the cost is well beyond their means.
Coach, Irma and his family have been shouldering Coach’s medical expenses since his diagnosis and their financial resources are dwindling. Private in-home care costs are approximately $3000 per week and are not covered by Medicare or their insurance. We are therefore raising funds to support Coach and Irma with medical expenses and ongoing care so that he is able to remain at home as he lives out his final days with us.
Coach Richards is an incredible man and spent his life giving everything he has to his athletes, students and his community, and now is our time to support him and his family. He has made a profound impact on so many lives through his 60+ years as a Teacher and Swimming Coach in both Cape Elizabeth, Maine and Tampa, Florida and this is our opportunity to give back to Coach.
Any funds remaining will be used to cover end-of-life services and establish a scholarship in his honor.
Our family is grateful for your support ♥️