Help coble a working life back together
Donation protected
One evening, I'm warm, inside eating dinner. Outside is the coldest night of the year and unbeknownst to me, a great part of what I hold dear is up in flames. By the time I know, it's too late. I arrive in time to watch it crumble. What is built over the years, burns down over dinner.
Depending on the season he was known as the sugar shack, or honey house, or silver smithy or piney woods. He housed the tools of all my trades as well as myself for several months of the year harvesting and drying pine for a local tea company. Some people can stand in the ashes and ruin and imagine the cathedral rise. I can't see past the soot.
I'm asking for your help in trying to cobble some form of working life back together. Somethings cannot be replaced. What is replaceable in some fashion, I estimate would cost in the range of 30 000 Canadian dollars. I don't know any details yet of building or site, though I would like, with this plea for your assistance in various forms, to work towards these sugar shacking, honey housing, silversmithing, herbal healing, woodland working labours. I would like our son to grow up seeing his dad loving the world in this way.
More than I can carry, with some holes showing,
Lola Jean Gentles Ryckman
Golden Lake, ON