Help Cover Alicia's Funeral Costs and Care for Kids
Donation protected
My older Alicia sister was tragically killed by someone who was drunk driving. I cannot describe the feeling of having a police officer show up at my house in the middle of the night to tell me not only did she pass away but I had to rush to the hospital where her two children are with no one. My sister was a single mother. Unfortunately she did not prepare for a situation like this. I have the kids now. By the grace of God they escaped this horrific accident with only bumps and bruises. My sister wanted a simple service and to be cremated. With four children of my own I need help with the funeral costs. Any amount will be helpful. I don't know the date yet of the funeral but I will update everyone once it's been set. Thank you in advance for your prayers and help during this difficult time.
Viola Carmona
Orlando, FL