Celebration of Life- Noel Quiroz Hernandez
Donation protected
My name is Elizabeth and Noel Quiroz Hernadez was my stepdad.
I was a small girl, but I still remember my stepdad, Noel Quiroz, whirling up to our front door on his bike after a 9-hour workday at a restaurant about 9 miles away.
That was his life: striving to make life better for my mom and us three girls. Our family swelled with the arrival of our beloved Susana, and suffered greatly when she lost her life to Leukemia at age 12. Although Noel grieved deeply for her—his only biological child-- he remained dedicated and loving to his family, devoting himself to our well-being in more ways than I can recount here.
I know that I can appeal to your hearts in my yearning to see a dignified closure for Noel Quiroz’ life. . . like a stamp of honor to recognize his years of dedication and hard work. It feels like a double burden of grief to not be able to afford the expenses for honoring him in the funeral and burial that he deserves, Your generosity would also build strength and fulfillment in my family and all those he left behind, and I’m grateful that you’re taking the time to read this.
Noel Quiroz’ parents passed away when he was very young. His siblings and other family members live in Mexico, Mexico.
On January 24, his symptoms were so severe that we took him to the ER. He continued to decline from the COVID-19 virus, contracting shingles and a fungal skin infections on top of that. He was finding it harder and harder to breathe, and though he wanted to live, he was suffering a lot, and began to lose the strength to fight. After sedatives, pain relievers, antibiotics, and the use of a ventilator the doctors stated that they had done everything possible to save his life, but his lungs were very damaged, and they didn't see he would get any better. On Sunday, Feburary 21, 2021 after almost one month of being hospitalized, he passed away.
We will need the funds for the funeral, and burial services by Monday, March 22, 2021.
Thank you all for your love and support. We really appreciate everyone's kindness and willingness to help our family at this time of need.
ELizabeth Ramos Ortiz
Oxnard, CA