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Help Cover Funeral Expenses for Judith Darling

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Hi, my name is Maryann Woodmanse. My mom passed away on Saturday, July 20, 2024. I have two more siblings, Michelle O'Brien and Donald O'Brien, and we just found out that she doesn't have life insurance or any funeral funds. We are fundraising to cover her funeral cost and cremation.
My mother, Judith Darling, passed Saturday evening after her second fight with cancer.
Mom was very active right up to the last week of her life. Anyone that knew her, saw the Lord in her. She will be deeply missed by all, as she was a blessing to all that knew her.
You are now home in Heaven with your mom and dad, Kenneth and Mildred Baughn, with your brother Sam Baughn, and of course, your forever beloved husband. All sitting at the table with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


Maryann Woodmansee
Gold Canyon, AZ

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