Help cover security costs for Carousel
Carousel Theatre for Young People has recently faced a barrage of hate over the programming of their summer drag camps. This has not just been over social media. People have shown up at the office with cameras, handing out horrifying flyers and spewing hate at the employees who work there. At its height, certain staff members were receiving over 100 emails a day, harassing them and spewing abuse. Carousel has been relatively quiet over social media, so as not to provoke the bullies. (Feels like grade school doesn't it?)
The irony is that the hate coming from these few is being overpowered by immense love for this company! If only the haters knew how much MORE support Carousel has now! I'd say thank you but NOT IN A MILLION YEARS. Disgustingly, there is a supposed rally that will be happening on July 4th and Carousel will be spending $8000 on security to keep students and staff safe from danger. I feel that this money would be better spent on artist and admin wages, props, costumes, set pieces, feather boas, crowns, glitter... the list goes on and on. Please help me in showing Carousel that we love them, we love what they are programming, and we won't let this extreme hate ruin one of the most beloved theatre companies in Vancouver.
$8000 will cover the security costs, but any extra could cover MORE DRAG CAMPS. Wouldn't that be a silver lining??
Meghan G
Vancouver, BC
Carousel Theatre Society