Help Dakota relocate to a safer area.
Hi, I am Dakota and over the course of this last year I have been transitioning from male to female. This process has been an amazing one of self-love and discovery, however, it has also been marked by difficulties and the reality of living in a rather conservative area. On May 18th, 2021 just 15 minutes after putting my son to bed someone opened fire into my living room, with one of the bullets coming within a few feet of my head, and another one within a few feet of my son's head. I dont know exactly why i was targeted but my best guess is that it has to do with me coming out and living full time as a trans woman this year. This event has left me scared and feeling absolutely helpless as far as my own future and safety go. Being transgender takes a lot of courage, but despite this event I havent once thought about this not being right for me, the peace and hope I have now that I am closer to living my authentic life are absolutely priceless. As such, I am trying to find a way to reestablish my sense of security and peace and that will involve at least relocating to a more secure apartment in Fresno, and possibly one in a more progressive area, which likely means somewhere far more expensive. I am asking for any help anyone can offer in reestablishing myself, this doesn't have to be money as I am also open to practical help with my job and apartment search. Thank you so much for anything you can help with, even if its just reaching out with your words of support. Peace and love.