Help Dana get a CanaryVan!
Hi Guys,
I need help. My health is in a critical place. I have been declining to where I can hardly function some days.
I know what I need to do but I don’t have the resources to get there. Things have gotten serious. I have had many seizures this year. I'm in a lot of pain. I need to act fast.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Much Love, Dana (aka Canary in the Coalmine)
(facts about me and story below). (click here for detailed information)
-I'm 51 and living in Northern California.
-I lead an organization called Lyme Less Live More. I coach groups of Lyme and chronically ill patients on nutrition, clean living, healthy mindset, and conscious awareness. I am a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, writer, healer and wellness educator.
- I’m in the Oscar short-listed documentary about Lyme disease called “Under Our Skin”
-I used to be a dynamic event producer (in the music business) before getting ill.
20 years of neurological Lyme, chronic infections, mold illness, MCS, EHS, CIRS and CPTSD has made me extremely reactive to the modern world.
Many places make me ill, especially the apartment I've been living in.
I made my car into a sanctuary.
I’ve been living part-time in my car and it’s been helping!
My car engine seized.
I don’t have the money to fix it. I am on disability income.
Now I am without transportation and a safe place to retreat.
l have to start a medical treatment plan ASAP!
But first…
I must create a safe and mobile home to recover in.
I need to create a CanaryVan!
My name is Dana Walsh... In Sanskrit, Dana means “generosity, to give.” I love to be of service, sometimes to a fault. I don’t like asking for help. I have always had trouble receiving. But somehow, no big surprise, the Universe has pushed me into a place where I must ask.
You see…, the impossible happened.
The engine in my VW seized. Done. Gone.
“It’s just a car you say", well, read on…
This past year my only safe place in the world was my little 2009 VW Tiguan that I made into my sanctuary, “my God-pod”.
I take day trips out in the Redwoods to get away from cell towers, neighbor's wireless routers, smart meters and mold/chemicals in my apartment building. I go on off-grid camping trips to heal my body. It’s been a dream for me and truly my salvation. I can be in severe burning pain and barely functioning in my apartment and shift into a different person in a matter of hours. It’s that drastic.
The truth is.. I’m a canary. (What does that mean..?). I am extremely reactive to the things that are unnatural in this world —toxic chemicals, air pollution, mold toxins, and non-native EMFs—read: wireless technology. Basically the modern world makes me sick. I can detect and feel things that are invisible to most. It’s like being a superhero only the world is made of kryptonite.
You’ve heard the term “canary in the coal mine” Coal miners would send live canaries into the mine as a way to detect if the mine was safe for them to work. If the canaries stopped singing or died, they knew the mine was too toxic for humans. These days “canaries” is a term used for extraordinarily sensitive people. We are the first warning sign for a toxic planet.
In this moment I find myself in a life check-mate. I am without transportation and my safe “home," and I'm financially devastated. My car is a total loss. The situation has become serious. I have spent a lot of my time and energy taking care of others and it's taken its toll on my health.
I am reaching out for a big ask. I need a Van that I can convert into a camper, and funds to get urgent medical care. This looks like $50,000 to get me out of this health and housing crisis.
Here's the breakdown:
A Used Van and camper build out —$30,000
(2010-2012 Used Mini-Van, deep cleaning, anti-mold fogging, insulation, sleeping platform, natural bedding, storage, power, EMF protection, air purifier, camping fees)
Urgent (out-of-pocket) Medical and Dental work/surgery- $20,000
Travel to see a specialist, all new lab work, (it's been years), neurological care, IV treatments, and dental surgery. As crazy as it seems this is a very conservative number.
Please know that this is an exercise for me. I'm breaking out of old patterns and asking for what I need— just you witnessing (and sending positivity) will help. And, IF you feel inspired to donate.. however big or small, please understand that your gesture will have a ripple effect. You are helping me help!
Lyme Less Live More is a Labor of love. We make enough money to keep the doors open. I don’t get paid. I have BIG plans and ideas to expand the organization. I just haven’t had the energy or finances to do so. I must take the time to heal so I can get back to creating more supportive programs and leading a community to wellness. I have the tools. I don't have the resources.
Also, you should know I am an exceptionally resilient person. I don't dramatize. It is how I survive. I have been through an extraordinary amount of trauma the last 4 years. AND, while my soul can handle anything, my body has reached its limit.
At this point, it's imperative that I have a safe haven and clear environment. Attempting to do treatments while in an EMF saturated, toxic apartment is a waste of time and money.
I've spent this last year looking for a safe place to live and living in my car. Moving isn’t easy, it’s incredibly expensive and very difficult to find a healthy low wifi, mold-free place to live—especially in the Bay Area.
Earth is the Answer.
What I know for sure in my 20 years experience is that Lyme disorder is an environmental illness, meaning… when your body is toxic from the environment— the immune system tanks, the body becomes toxic and the infections take hold. Every time I have gone away to a pristine natural environment I've started to heal.
My plan moving forward is to go off-grid for a time to recover and come back stronger and ready to help. But I need a mobile home to do that… this is where I need you.
A Van will be transportation, a home and a treatment all in one! Even when I eventually find a healthy home, I will always need a camper vehicle as a backup. This will be a life long help!
I am acutely aware of the suffering in this world. I know I am not alone. I am one of the growing number of thousands if not millions that are environmentally ill. I know because I support them.
But I have come to realize that when my basic survival and healthcare needs aren’t met, I can’t help on the scale I know I can.
Like you, I was made for much more than this debilitating illness and I have so much more to give this world!
Your help would be life-changing. And put me back on the map—literally!
If you find yourself in my story, use this as a lift to ask for help.
If you know someone like me, please LISTEN to them and give them an extra squeeze today.
If you have the means to help, know that your donation has wings and I will use your help to able myself to help others.
It's what I do best.
All Love,
xo Dana