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My name is Darko and i am 29 years old. My dream has always been to step on stage and pursuit the dream of becoming a bodybuilder.
I started a prep for a bodybuilding show in 2020 when i was 26. But unfortunately a pandempic hit us all and everything was cancelled. From going outside of the country to all the events!
Later that year i opened my own donut shop and the dream of stepping on stage was totally gone and i focused mostly on building a business. I worked fulltime on my business and didn't train for a whole year.
A whole year and a lot of set backs later with my business (like closing up one shop i opened in between & almost going banktrupt) i decided to chase my old dream of stepping on a bodybuilding stage.
So i went for it. I started my prep in January 2023 & 6th of May 2023 i competed and won 2 silver medals and 1 gold medal for my class. The old dream was even bigger then before. Now i have the chance to become a PRO!
But there is one problem. It costs a lot of money to just compete in one of the higher level shows. And because i do it all on my own, not having a sponsor it is really hard to spend that amount on just one show. Also considering i have my own business which is already struggling to keep it's head above the water. It is not smart to spend that amount of money to a show.
To break the total costs down:
ticket for me: € 258
ticket for my coach : €102
(my girlfriend, support me backstage)
Tanning : €100
Hotel : €100-200
(because weighin is the day before)
other stuff : €100+/-
(this doesn't include supps or coach)
So the total to just enter the show is in between €460 / €560
This doesn't include all the supplements i need to take or my coach which i need to pay for the whole prep.
The whole prep on it's own will cost me thousands of euros lol.. Just the fact the ticket is so expensive it is really hard for me to spend that amount.
I don't mind spending it on supps or coach. That's basically paying for knowledge which i totally respect i do support.
But it is really outrageous to pay €258 just for a ticket to enter a show!!!... that really hurts to pay out of my own pocket, considering once more i am invested in my donut shop!
so i am starting this gofundme on suggestion of people on instagram. A lot of people send me dm's saying i should start a gofundme. At first i was really doubting it, because i hate asking money and always want to do things on my own.
But then i really thought it through, and if 500 people donated €1, i would get that goal. €1 is really not a lot of money during this time. But €500 for one person is a lot!
This is not me begging for money, but for you to support my dream. In return i will share the whole journey like i did before. And i will show so much love to everyone by spreading positivity <3
Darko Bunic