On January 19th, 2021,

My name is Kelly Foley and one of my Closest, Dearest friends, Darlene Trendel of Manorville, was given the worst news of her life on Jan 19th 2021. She was told she had Lung and Brain Cancer, something no family wants to hear. As time went by, she was then told it was stage 4. Darlene is a mother of 2 boys, whom still reside at home. She is now receiving chemo treatments every 3 weeks to try and fight this evil disease. Darlene is a postal worker and of course is now out of work, with no income coming in and loads of Doctor's bills. Roy, her husband, who is a Fed Ex driver is also out of work due to an injury he had sustained before Darlene was diagnosed, which caused him to have surgery himself. The medical bills are increasing and I am hoping if you could possibly donate something to help this family of 4 with the financial burden they are now in. Anything is greatly appreciated to help this struggling family in a time of need!!
Thank you so much
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