Help Darren move into his own home
Donation protected
In July 2019 Darren suffered a sudden unknown spinal injury whilst at home one Sunday afternoon. He was rushed to Prince Charles hospital where tests revealed it was far more serious than anyone first thought.
After having an MRI scan he was blue lighted to the University hospital Wales and put into an induced coma on intensive care . At one point, the family was told to prepare for the worst as his injury was that severe. It didn't look like Darren was going to make it. Luckily, he was eventually brought out of the coma but told the damage to his spinal cord was irreversible and he would be tetrapledic from C3-C5 level. This meaning that Darren would have virtually no movement from the neck down. Darren's life had drastically changed. From being very mobile and having an active life where he would see friends and join in many activities which he loved. Those mainly being fixing cars and enjoying the car scene, whilst also enjoying a round of golf. Darren is no longer able to enjoy these due to his condition, however with help and support we want to make Darren's life when he leaves hospital as best and easy as possible.
Darren was then transferred to Rookwood hospital in September 2019 to assist with his care, support and rehabilitation. Rookwood is the specialist spinal injury unit for Wales, where Darren has been since. There he has required 24 hour care due to his condition and having very limited mobility of only his arms.
Darren is now getting closer to coming home, however he is going to need alot of assistance and support. Due to his condition and injury, he cannot return to his old home with family and requires a new start in his own place with 24 hour care. As great as this will be for Darren, it comes with many challenges to ensure he can be cared for whilst also enjoying his life.
Darren has been granted 24 hour care as he needs assistance with everything when he leaves hospital. The community support will supply the bare necessities to get him home such as a suitable bed, wheelchair and hoists. There is still a whole host of specialist equipment that Darren will need to help with his new lifestyle which will not be provided to him. As many of you know setting up a new home is expensive enough but setting up a new home with all normal things aswell as adaptive/assistance items is an added pressure that Darren could do without.
Darren lost his job due to his condition which he truly loved and had a great passion for.
This page has been set up to assist Darren in funding necessities for his new home to adapt to his new life when he leaves hospital and give him the best opportunity to live his life to the fullest without the worry.
Some of you may know Darren pre - or post his injury and you will know he's strongly independent and was always willing to help anyone with anything from something as simple as a lift or fixing car's etc. He always asked very little in return and would never ask for help in this way; he'd rather try and sort things himself however due to this change in his life, he is unable too.
Any help and support for Darren is much appreciated and will help him to live the life he deserves.
Jack Roberts