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Support Dawn After Tragic Horse Riding Accident.

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My name is Olivia and I am raising funds to support my cousin Dawn after she was paralyzed in a horse riding accident.

Dawn is the first cousin in our family and I the youngest so I was fortunate enough to be one of her many students for horse back riding lessons. For my whole life she has been an accomplished rider and teacher. I will forever be grateful to have been able to learn from her.

To say Dawn gave back is an understatement. This impressive woman has touched so many lives throughout her 18 year career as a nurse at
The University of Michigan. As a matter of fact, it is where she met and fell in love with her wife Brianna Engel.
They have since taken in and raised their two-year-old foster daughter. She is the light of their lives and I can’t imagine how difficult this has to be for their family.

Dawn has always loved animals but Horses have been her passion since the beginning.
Shes been a farrier since 2002 and has helped more horses than anyone could ever count.

Dawn and Bri were riding around the yard trying to enjoy the beautiful weather outside. The horse bucked (because she saw a chicken in the chicken coop), causing Dawn to fall.
This resulted in a fractured neck and a spinal cord injury. Now she is paralyzed from her shoulders down.

Dawn had an emergency surgery on Saturday June 8th and is in surgery again today Monday June 10th.
She will have a very long road of rehab and recovery. Their family will also need to make the house handicap accessible so she can come home. Dawn will no longer be able to work and due to a recent job position change their financial future is unclear.

Absolutely any donation would be appreciated. It’s my hope that the communities that she has touched so much throughout the years will come together and support her and her family during this time.


  • Anonym
    • $50 
    • 1 d
  • Louise Rutledge
    • $20 
    • 2 d
  • Anonym
    • $50 
    • 3 d
  • Anne Manchett
    • $10 
    • 4 d
  • Gina Wilson
    • $50 
    • 5 d

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Olivia Stead
Oceola Township, MI
Brianna Engel

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