Help de Jonge Klimaatbeweging naar de klimaattop!
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***English below***
Help de jongeren van de Jonge Klimaatbeweging naar de Klimaattop in Glasgow!
Vanaf 31 oktober 2021 vind de wereldwijde klimaattop plaats in Glasgow. Deze klimaattop word gezien als de laatste kans om de ernstige gevolgen van klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. De afspraken die hier gemaakt worden, zullen van grote invloed zijn op de toekomst van jongeren. Als klimaatverandering niet wordt terug gedrongen, zullen jongeren en hun kinderen hier de zeer hoge rekening voor moeten betalen. Het is dus van groot belang dat jongeren een stem krijgen in het wereldwijde klimaatdebat. Helaas is dat nog altijd niet het geval en krijgen jongeren maar zelden de kans om hun visie te delen met beleidsmakers. De Jonge Klimaatbeweging is hard op weg om hier verandering in te brengen, maar omdat we allemaal vrijwilligers zijn, hebben we helaas niet de financiële middelen om de hoge kosten van de reis naar de klimaattop te betalen. Daarom hebben we jullie hulp hard nodig!
De Jonge Klimaatbeweging is gebaseerd op een duidelijk idee: jongeren verdienen een stem om hun eigen duurzame toekomst vorm te geven. We zetten ons in voor een wereld waarin jongeren meepraten over hun eigen toekomst en goed zorgen voor de aarde niet meer dan logisch is. We strijden voor een toekomstbestendige samenleving waarin rechtvaardigheid en empathie centraal staan.
Eind oktober willen we daarom met 5 jongeren afreizen naar de klimaattop in Glasgow. Deze jongeren zullen in samenwerking met jongeren uit ontwikkelingslanden, die via het We Are Tomorrow Global Partnership partners zijn van de Jonge Klimaatbeweging, de wereldwijde stem van jongeren vertegenwoordigen tijdens de klimaattop. Omdat klimaatverandering alleen tegen te gaan is als we met mensen van over de hele wereld samenwerken.
Om 5 jongeren naar de klimaattop te sturen, hebben we €5000 euro nodig. Alle beetjes helpen, maar om je een idee te geven van wat jouw donatie uit kan maken:
- Voor €360 kan 1 jongere een retour treinticket betalen van Amsterdam naar Glasgow.
- Voor €268 kan 1 jongere een week in Edinburg verblijven (omdat Glasgow deze weken onbetaalbaar is)
- Voor €252 kan 1 jongere dagelijks afreizen van Edinburgh naar de klimaattop in Glasgow.
- Voor €120 kan 1 jongere de verplichte COVID testen betalen.
En voor totaal €1000 kan 1 jongere dus afreizen naar de klimaattop om daar de visie van jongeren te delen met beleidsmakers.
Help jij mee? Alle beetjes helpen, dus bij voorbaat: dank jullie wel! Samen werken we aan een leefbare toekomst!
De gulle donateurs die €250 of meer doneren ontvangen een persoonlijk kaartje uit Glasgow als (symbolisch) bedankje.
Bedrijven of NGOs die in ruil voor een donatie, graag willen samenwerken met de Jonge Klimaatbeweging (dmv evenementen, kennis, promotie, of iets anders) kunnen via email contact opnemen: kijk op https://wearetmrw.nl/wat-contact/ of op https://www.jongeklimaatbeweging.nl/over-ons/contact/ voor onze contactgegevens.
Help the young people of the Youth Climate Movement NL to the Climate Summit in Glasgow!
From October 31, 2021, onwards the global climate summit will take place in Glasgow. This climate summit is seen as the last chance to combat the serious consequences of climate change. The agreements made here will have a major impact on the future of young people. If climate change is not mitigated, young people and their children will have to pay the high bill of its consequences. It is therefore crucial that young people are given a voice in the global climate debate. Unfortunately, this is still not the case: young people are rarely given the opportunity to share their vision with policymakers. The Youth Climate Movement is well on its way to change this, but because we are all volunteers, we, unfortunately, do not have the financial means to pay the high costs of the trip to the climate summit. That is why we desperately need your help!
The Youth Climate Movement is based on a clear belief: young people deserve a voice to shape their own sustainable future. We are committed to a world in which young people have a say about their own future and where taking good care of the earth is only logical. We fight for a future-proof society in which justice and empathy are central components.On the 31st of October, we therefore want to travel with 5 young people to the climate summit in Glasgow. These young people, in collaboration with young people from developing countries, who are partners of the Youth Climate Movement through the We Are Tomorrow Global Partnership, will represent the global voice of young people at the climate summit. Because climate change can only be prevented if we work together with people from all over the world.
To send 5 young people to the climate summit, we need €5,000. Every little bit helps, but to give you an idea of what difference your donation can make:
For €360, 1 young person can pay for a return train ticket from Amsterdam to Glasgow.
For €268 1 young person can stay in Edinburgh for a week (because Glasgow is unaffordable these weeks)
For €252, 1 young person can travel daily from Edinburgh to the climate summit in Glasgow.
For €120, 1 young person can pay for the mandatory COVID tests.
So for a total of €1000, 1 young person can travel to the climate summit to share the vision of young people with policymakers.
Will you help us? Every little bit helps, so thank you in advance! Together we are working on a livable future!
The generous donors who donate €250 or more will receive a personal card from Glasgow as a (symbolic) thank you.
Companies or NGOs that, in exchange for a donation, would like to collaborate with the Youth Climate Movement (by means of events, knowledge sharing, promotion, or something else) can contact us by email: check https://wearetmrw.nl/wat-contact/ or at https://www.jonge Klimaatbeweging.nl/over-ons/contact/ for our contact details.
Help the young people of the Youth Climate Movement NL to the Climate Summit in Glasgow!
From October 31, 2021, onwards the global climate summit will take place in Glasgow. This climate summit is seen as the last chance to combat the serious consequences of climate change. The agreements made here will have a major impact on the future of young people. If climate change is not mitigated, young people and their children will have to pay the high bill of its consequences. It is therefore crucial that young people are given a voice in the global climate debate. Unfortunately, this is still not the case: young people are rarely given the opportunity to share their vision with policymakers. The Youth Climate Movement is well on its way to change this, but because we are all volunteers, we, unfortunately, do not have the financial means to pay the high costs of the trip to the climate summit. That is why we desperately need your help!
The Youth Climate Movement is based on a clear belief: young people deserve a voice to shape their own sustainable future. We are committed to a world in which young people have a say about their own future and where taking good care of the earth is only logical. We fight for a future-proof society in which justice and empathy are central components.On the 31st of October, we therefore want to travel with 5 young people to the climate summit in Glasgow. These young people, in collaboration with young people from developing countries, who are partners of the Youth Climate Movement through the We Are Tomorrow Global Partnership, will represent the global voice of young people at the climate summit. Because climate change can only be prevented if we work together with people from all over the world.
To send 5 young people to the climate summit, we need €5,000. Every little bit helps, but to give you an idea of what difference your donation can make:
For €360, 1 young person can pay for a return train ticket from Amsterdam to Glasgow.
For €268 1 young person can stay in Edinburgh for a week (because Glasgow is unaffordable these weeks)
For €252, 1 young person can travel daily from Edinburgh to the climate summit in Glasgow.
For €120, 1 young person can pay for the mandatory COVID tests.
So for a total of €1000, 1 young person can travel to the climate summit to share the vision of young people with policymakers.
Will you help us? Every little bit helps, so thank you in advance! Together we are working on a livable future!
The generous donors who donate €250 or more will receive a personal card from Glasgow as a (symbolic) thank you.
Companies or NGOs that, in exchange for a donation, would like to collaborate with the Youth Climate Movement (by means of events, knowledge sharing, promotion, or something else) can contact us by email: check https://wearetmrw.nl/wat-contact/ or at https://www.jonge Klimaatbeweging.nl/over-ons/contact/ for our contact details.
Organizer and beneficiary
Jonge Klimaatbeweging
Youri de Koomen