Help Dennis B. Nakpil Fight Cancer
In September of 2018, Dennis B. Nakpil - husband, father of five, and grandfather of three (plus 1 on the way) - was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer. Thanks to the outpouring love and support of family, he successfully underwent several rounds of chemotherapy and retained a healthy and busy life. However, with the return of his cancer and the sudden deterioration of his health, he is now relying on a new and experimental treatment developed and administered in Los Angeles, California, USA. The cost of treatment, in addition to other procedures, medicines, travel expenses, has proven a great burden for Dennis, who is no longer working and continuously supports his wife and sends his three children to school.
Dennis and his family are deeply grateful for all the support they have received thus far, but in order for him to continue to obtain the best possible options for treatment, they hope to raise more funds. Thank you in advance to all the kindness and love of family and friends.