Help Diana M. Fight Metastatic Breast Cancer
Donation protected
September 2023 Update:
Hello all,
It’s been a difficult time for our mom and our family since this summer. In late June, our mother suffered an intense seizure on her left side and was hospitalized for a week and a half. We learned that the seizure was caused due to the radiation injury on her brain tumor. Since then, she has not been able to gain back her strength and mobility on her left side. We’ve been back and forth to the ER and hospitalized a couple of times due to multiple falls and her vulnerable immune system.
It’s difficult to share this news because we are still processing what happened. We’ve tried to adapt as quickly as possible to her accessibility needs due to losing mobility on her left side. Out of necessity, our uncle Wilson and a church friend helped us build a small ramp to help her while she was in a wheelchair. However, we are in dire need to make the house more accessible and safe. Due to safety concerns, we had to purchase medical equipment to help her feel comfortable and safe and to prevent future falls. Unfortunately, the external catheter is not covered by any insurance and we need to purchase a 30-day supply each month since it’s designed for single-use only. At first, we thought it would be temporary but it seems like it’s a permanent solution. She will need more physical therapy but the insurance only covers up to so many visits. We want her to regain as much strength as she can and hope to continue physical therapy even if we have to pay out of pocket.
With all the unplanned ER visits and hospitalization, our mom would still find a way to make someone smile. Her arms are bruised up due to all the IV needles from the multiple trips, but most of the ER staff know and assist her. During her various hospitalizations, one of us would stay with her and witness how much light she brings to the situation even though she may feel sad or frustrated. She is honest with the people in her life and still stands her ground. She knows it’s a long way to recovery but she’s on it.
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Some days are good and others are not, but at the end of the day, we have each other. We live one day at a time and try to be present. Our family is grateful and blessed for all of the love and support. So many of you have asked what you can do to help our family as we continue this battle against my mom’s cancer. It is not easy for us to answer this; many expenses are piling up (medical, our family’s loss in pay from medical leave, household expenses, etc.) But, we are hoping and praying to raise $50,000 to help my mom in this fight against metastatic breast cancer. Anything helps… we appreciate all your support and if you happen to know any organizations or grants that we may qualify for please reach out to me. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being there for our mom and us during these times.
Diana (Lupita), Alfredo, John, Joseph, and Mason (grandson)
June 2022 - Initial Story
My name is Diana, and some of you may know me as Lupita.
It’s been difficult for me to start this gofundme campaign because it’s a strong reminder about my mother’s health battle and the reality that comes with it. It’s been hard to find the words to describe our disbelief. Anyone who knows me, knows how much my mother means to me and how I would do anything for her. I am the only daughter out of the four siblings. We never thought we would find ourselves here, sharing her story.
In early May, my mom suffered a seizure while having dinner with my brothers. At first, we thought it was a stroke, but we later found out it was a tumor on her brain that caused a focal seizure on her left leg. For a couple of days, she couldn’t move her left leg, and then we learned that her breast cancer had returned as stage four, causing the tumor on her brain.
It abruptly changed her life, not being able to work and not being able to be independent. The life she knew has ceased to exist, but she has always learned to adapt. Facing this with resilience, determination, and the help of physical therapy, she could walk again. However, this is only the beginning of her treatment. Hospital and regular bills are piling up, and insurance can only cover so much.
My mother, Diana, has dedicated her life to God, her children, and anyone who needs help. She has worked every day, at times double shifts, with no rest to be able to provide for her family. She has always been a hard worker, never giving up regardless of the language barrier and doesn’t give up on anyone. I’ve always looked up to her because she helps with an open heart and is always available for anyone. We want her to focus on her health and recovery, not on the finances.
Our family is grateful and blessed for all of the love and support. So many of you have asked what you can do to help our family as we continue this battle against my mom’s cancer. It is not easy for us to answer this; many expenses are piling up (medical, our family’s loss in pay from medical leave, household expenses, etc.) But, we are hoping and praying to raise $50,000 to help my mom in this fight against metastatic breast cancer. Anything helps…
From the bottom of our hearts, we give our sincerest thanks.
Diana (Lupita), Alfredo, John and Joseph
Mi nombre es Diana, algunos de ustedes me conocen como Lupita.
Ha sido difícil para mí comenzar esta campaña de gofundme porque es un fuerte recordatorio sobre la batalla contra el cáncer de mi madre y la realidad que conlleva. Ha sido difícil encontrar las palabras para describir nuestra incredulidad. Cualquiera que me conozca sabe cuánto significa mi madre para mí y cuánto haría yo por ella. Soy la única mujer entre 4 hermanos. Nunca pensamos que nos encontraríamos aquí, compartiendo su historia.
A principios de mayo, mi mamá sufrió una convulsión mientras cenaba con mis hermanos. Al principio, pensamos que era un derrame cerebral, pero luego descubrimos que era un tumor en su cerebro que le provocó una convulsión focal en la pierna izquierda. Durante un par de días, no pudo mover la pierna izquierda y luego nos enteramos de que su cáncer de mama regresó a la etapa cuatro y causó el tumor en su cerebro.
Cambió abruptamente su vida, no poder trabajar y no poder ser independiente. La vida que conocía ha dejado de existir pero siempre ha sabido adaptarse. Enfrentando esto con resiliencia y su determinación y la ayuda de la fisioterapia, pudo volver a caminar. Sin embargo, esto es solo el comienzo de su tratamiento. Las facturas del hospital y las facturas regulares se acumulan y el seguro solo puede cubrir una cantidad limitada.
Mi madre, Diana, ha dedicado su vida a Dios, a sus hijos ya cualquier persona que necesite ayuda de alguna manera. Ha trabajado todos los días, a veces turnos dobles sin descanso para poder mantener a su familia. Ella siempre ha sido muy trabajadora y nunca se ha dado por vencida a pesar de la barrera del idioma y no se da por vencida con nadie. Ella es alguien a quien siempre he admirado porque ayuda con un corazón abierto y siempre está disponible para cualquier persona. Queremos que se concentre en su salud y recuperación, no en las finanzas.
Nuestra familia está agradecida y bendecida por todo el amor y el apoyo. Muchos de ustedes han preguntado qué pueden hacer para ayudar a nuestra familia mientras continuamos esta batalla contra el cáncer de mi mamá. No es fácil para nosotros responder a esto, hay muchos gastos que se acumulan (médicos, la pérdida de salario de nuestra familia debido a la licencia médica, gastos del hogar, etc.) Esperamos y rezamos para recaudar $50,000 para ayudar a mi mamá en esta lucha contra el cáncer de mama metastásico. Cualquier cosa ayuda...
Desde el fondo de nuestros corazones damos nuestro más sincero agradecimiento.
Diana (Lupita), Alfredo, John y Joseph
Diana Gonzalez
Kansas City, MO