Help Dillan & Autumn start fresh after total loss house fire
Tax deductible
Just before Midnight on Thursday, March 13, a fire broke out in Dillan & Autumn's home. Cooper, their toddler, was thankfully staying at Autumn's mother's. This allowed Dillan & Autumn the time they needed to get their 3 dogs out of the home. They both agreed, that had their son been home, they wouldn't have had the time to save their dogs as well.
Neither had the time to grab their phone, so after rushing to save their precious dogs, Dillan had to run to the neighbors to call 911. By this time, the flames were through the roof and they knew, there would be nothing left.
What once was their loving home, is now nothing more than a pile of rubble and ash. Monetary donations can be made here, or dropped off at The Coffee Shoppe or Fox's Pizza Den in Chicora.
I am Daniel Weidenhof, Creator and CEO of Fireproof, a 501c3 accredited nonprofit designed to help support local fire victims. All proceeds will be given directly to Dillan & Autumn by myself.

Daniel Weidenhof
Chicora, PA