Help Don Make Games and Live Music Videos
Hello! Five years ago, many of you donated to help me become a yoga instructor, and that journey has been extremely worthwhile. I am FOREVER grateful to you, and yes I know who you are! However, times change, and it's time for me to pivot industries after a career loss once again.
A few of you know that before I was a yoga instructor, I was a programmer for 20 years. And a graphic designer before that. And on and off, I've worked on my own 3D art, personal project games, and music for the last 30 years.
Last year, when I lost my yoga instructor job due to covid, I made a commitment to studying Unity 3D, a 3D graphics and games / physics engine. I did that with the intent to make new types of music videos, interactive music videos for live performance, and video games to support myself and other musicians, and as the main avenue for my artwork.
I need money to purchase assets and software in order to make this a reality for me, and because these assets are currently on sale for HALF off, I need that money before April 25th.
Here are images of some of the assets.
I'm in a difficult situation currently because the EDD has put my unemployment in pending status, and hasn't paid me what I'm owed in nearly four weeks. It should be cleared up in a few weeks, but by then the sale will be over, and I will have to pay twice as much, $1800 for these assets instead of $900!
I have already sold synthesizers this week to make this happen for me, but I'm still short what I need.
Last year, I spent $800 of my own money in a similar asset sale and I have gotten that money's worth many times over. ANY amount helps, because many of the assets are as low as $30, royalty-free!
I'll include a list of the assets I intend to purchase. I have selected only the best assets that will absolutely accelerate my development time and create wonderful and fun experiences.
Your support right now would mean everything to me!
Right now I'm working on games about a Shark who eats everybody, a Horse on roller skates, a team of Pegasus who fight giant mech robots, a UFO game where you try not to get abducted, Sparkle Horse Junction, honestly a lot of these first games are inspired by Rifftrax so there's a bit of a Birdemic vibe to some of this :) Also if you have any ideas for a Birdemic-style game I'll listen :D
A Twelve Monkeys-inspired game with giraffes and elephants running around the city? Yeah why not :)
If you donate, I'll give you a credit in the game of your choice, and I'll even put YOU in the game, if you don't mind being eaten by a shark :D
I am also working on rhythm games, and games / music that are synchronized to music tracks and MIDI. I am blurring the lines between music videos, video games, and live performance. Arcade-style MIDI controllers, used by the audience live to interact with music and projector visuals while you jam out? Yes!
This asset purchase is the only way I'm able to make any of this in a reasonable amount of time. It will reduce the development time by MANY years, to only a few months.
This will benefit musicians, local music, those looking for music video creation and next-level live performance visuals, DJs, artists, anyone who enjoys playing extremely silly and artful games on their phone or computer, anyone who enjoys rhythm games, simple and fun games, or meditative games.
The platforms I'm targeting are Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android.
I plan to showcase local music and artists whenever possible, featuring your band names (and mine) prominently in the games, and link to your social media and web stores. These first games will be free to play, and monetized through either ads or optional in-game purchases.
That's all, thank you for reading, and if you are in a position to support me now I will be forever grateful!!
(The following is the list of assets that this money is being used to purchase. This stuff would take me the rest of my life to code on my own! As you can see, it is very extensive and excellent value for money. )