Help Doug MacRae Fight Glioblastoma Brain Cancer
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Hello. This fundraiser is for my husband, Douglas MacRae. Despite being given only one year to live, he was motivated to fight this most lethal and terminal cancer and has now survived 53 months. Less than 7% of glioblastoma patients worldwide survive after four years. We have never given up hope that Doug can become a long-term survivor.
In January 2019, Doug was having severe headaches and was sent home by his family doctor several times. He was always healthy and fit so he sensed something unusual was happening. The headaches became excruciating so he checked himself into the ER and an MRI scan confirmed that he had a tumour the size of a tangerine in his brain. The next day on February 19, he had an emergency brain surgery to remove most of the tumour and the biopsy confirmed the devastating news that it was grade four, IDH-wildtype glioblastoma, the most aggressive and malignant brain cancer. He also lost his left periphery vision in both of his eyes and was no longer able to drive.
Doug created this video a few weeks after his 1st brain surgery in February 2019
He proceeded with 30 days of radiation and continued chemotherapy. For the next three years, he focused on a positive mindset with his martial arts training including a healthy diet, supplements and exercise which resulted in no tumour recurrence.
Doug created this time-lapse recording with his camera to show his first 30 rounds of radiation treatment.

He followed tradition by striking the gong in celebration of completing his 6.5 weeks of radiation treatment
Unfortunately, in February 2022, his MRI revealed that he had 5-7 new tumours. He was recommended to participate in a clinical trial which failed to stop the tumours from growing. In June 2022, he underwent his second brain surgery followed by another year of chemo. Doug also did new rounds of radiation, the maximum amount which a human being can endure. As an award-winning artist and photographer, he was determined to fulfill one of his goals and two months after this surgery, he hosted a month-long photography show.
During Doug's photography exhibit in September 2022, we hosted a Brain Cancer Canada event to help raise awareness and funds for research. Doug's amazing neurosurgeon, Dr. Michael Cusimano was our guest of honour.
In March 2023, Doug had another tumour recurrence with two new tumours followed by another MRI which indicated additional tumours. He agreed to do Avastin which was the last standard of care treatment but he didn’t respond well to it. There are no other treatments in Canada being offered to him. We recently applied for some clinical trials in the US but he didn’t meet the criteria. Despite all these challenges including his growing tumours, he continues to stay strong and resilient with the most positive attitude.
With his love for life, Doug is a beloved husband, son, brother and loyal friend. He is also an Ambassador for the Brain Cancer Canada charity to give hope to other patients and their families by sharing his journey. He has donated his photography for the charity’s gala and other events to help raise funds for innovative brain cancer research.
With the encouragement of our wonderful friends, this is the first ever GoFundMe which we have started to assist Doug with his increasing medical expenses for his current needs as well as experimental but costly treatments that are not available in Canada and not covered by health care insurance. We will be having his brain tumour tissue tested including genome sequencing for mutations. For example, this testing can cost over 10,000 Euros. This data can be analyzed and personalized treatments such as neoantigen peptide vaccines can be created which can strengthen Doug’s immune reaction against cancer antigens triggers and destroy these cancer cells. These personally tailored vaccines can range from approx. $50,000+ USD to 75,000+ Euros. We will also be seeking second opinions and consulting with international Cancer Specialists to recommend other targeted and promising treatment options. We are exploring all options.
You can view Doug’s website: www.douglasmacrae.com
We truly appreciate your support and please continue to send us your positive vibes, healing thoughts and prayers.
With love & gratitude,
Marie Anne & Doug
Marie Anne MacRae
Toronto, ON