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Help Dr. Z Fight The Big "C"

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We are two of the hundreds of nurses who have been lucky enough to work with Dr. Jon Zygowiec, (lovingly known as "JZ"), an Emergency Physician at Atrium Health in Charlotte, NC. For the past two years, this talented and compassionate ER doctor has fought on the front lines against COVID, helping so many people and their families through this nightmare (and countless other life-threatening emergencies).

On April 19th, at 39-years-young, Dr. Z received the worst news one could ever expect to hear, "You have cancer." After working his usual night shift hours, he decided to check himself in as a patient with what he thought was a "stomach bug." The ER doctor on duty, his colleague and friend, was obligated to tell him... “We found a mass on your colon. And a large tumor on your liver.”

Now living with the diagnosis: Stage IV Colon Cancer with metastases to the liver. One emergent surgery has already been performed, but several more surgeries are anticipated, along with aggressive chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Never mind the unseen pain and the fear of the unknown.

Jonathan, his wife Nadine, and their three boys, Ian (12), Collin (10) and Levi (8), have a very long road ahead of them. All donations will be given directly to Dr. Z and his family to help with meals, general expenses, anticipated surgeries, treatments, and the outrageous medical bills that come along with such. JZ is a fighter, and cancer will NOT win this fight.

Jonathan has one of the biggest hearts and cares so much for his patients, family, friends and colleagues. Now it's time for us to come together and return to Dr. Z all the care and love he has bestowed upon everyone else.

Jonathan has been an ER physician in Charlotte for the last three years. He has a passion for Hospice & Palliative Care, where he was active as a Regional Assistant Director. He also serves in the United States Air Force Reserves as a physician with the 916th AMDS at Seymour-Johnson AFB.

-Charlotte D. RN & Kaila C. RN


  • Anónimo
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • Jennifer Woods
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • Jayna Gardner-Gray
    • $100 
    • 1 yr
  • Anónimo
    • $25 
    • 1 yr
  • Anónimo
    • $100 
    • 1 yr

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (3)

Charlotte Dudley
Charlotte, NC
Jonathan Zygowiec
Kaila Camilleri
Team member
Jigar Patel
Team member

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