Help Dub Killer help others live & escape the war
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Hi my name Justyna,
I work with so many unique, talented humans worldwide and have connected with my friend Dmitrij aka Dubkillerua of Ukraine over the last few years. He has been a great support to many artists and has produced for many years. I write today in support of helping my friend escape for the second time from war. He left Kharkov in the Kharkiv Region. He went to Pervomaiskyi where he did charity work and stayed with his parents hoping it remained safe. Unfortunately, it has not, he will go west and rent a home where he will provide a safe stop point and resting point for many others while we await the ruling of martial law. With so many governments already overthrown, charity is the best way to help individuals fleeing war. We can help this individual by assisting his departure and transport costs out of the war zone and Kharkiv Region. It is a terrifying time for war refugees of the world! We are aware there are so many displaced people in the world right now from war. For now, I want to do what I can to help this friend get to safety and help others. You can help us too! I am collecting funds for emergency travel costs, accommodation costs(really great housing opportunities in the west to house others with funds), to have food, water and medicine and the transport costs. The safe house will provide temporary sanctum to those in passing before entering Europe from Ukraine.
Eventually we pray for his safe passage, as we do for all the other souls caught in this disaster.
The details of his journey he shares on IG Dubkillerua
Eventually we pray for his safe passage, as we do for all the other souls caught in this disaster.
The details of his journey he shares on IG Dubkillerua
Thank you, everyone, and please PRAY for Ukraine!
Pray for world peace.
Pray for world peace.
Justine Withey
Sooke, BC