Help DuckDuckRoar Keep on Quacking
Tax deductible
Has DuckDuckRoar ever brought you feelings of happiness and wonder? Have you felt love and connection within this community in this past year? Did you find a safe haven for creativity and self-expression?
The DDR Sanctuary was founded by Rory & Ducky in June of 2020 as COVID-19 tore apart traditional community bonds. DDR stepped into this void to create safe events and experiences that have forged lifelong friendships and given our attendees an opportunity to further their own path of self-actualization and experience the joy of life. To date our tireless team including Ben, Luna, Sierra, Owen, Maxime, Jacob, Tyler, Santi, Niv, Thomas, and the incredible volunteers that help create these events have put in 1,000's of hours simply for the joy of the experience. Through it all, that mentality has not changed.
Our focus on community building and creating profound experiences has led us to put all revenue into our events, often leading to the event organizers taking a loss including at the most recent Heaven & Hell.
DuckDuckRoar is fundraising to replace severely damaged equipment, and to keep our mission of creating transformational experiences for expression, connection, and conscious living going strong. At our recent Heaven & Hell gathering, an aerial rig and an LED aerial cube, generously lent to us by Teddy Broe and Fischer Yan, were seriously damaged, along with a workshop tent and several other pieces of equipment. Up to this point Ducky & Rory have borne the cost of keeping DDR running, but now, WE NEED YOUR HELP to keep this vibrant community alive.
We are appealing for your help to raise the funds to repair this broken equipment and ensure we can continue to have aerial rigs, slacklines, workshops, and all the other ingredients that make DDR so magic.
With this fundraiser, we will be able to:
• Repair broken LED Aerial Cube
• Repair broken aerial rig
• Invest in a sturdier aerial cube and other aerial apparatuses for DDR attendees to explore their expression through flow, acrobatics, dance, music and art
• Continue to have aerial rigs and aerial apparatus at all DDR events
• Pay for storage for Aerial Rigs and Apparatus
• Invest in new infrastructure including bell tents, speakers, squish, and updated décor
• Pay outstanding DDR tax debt currently being born by Ducky & Rory
• Get expanded storage for DDR to create larger and more immersive installations at future events
From getting spooky at Sexy Circus to journeying down the rabbit hole at Luna in Wonderland. Epic all-night beach parties, unforgettable views in Elsinore, burning a hole in the dance floor time and time again, battling the forces of Good and Evil at Heaven & Hell, and even taking over Waterfront Park for a day, so many peak moments it's difficult to even remember them all!
But what is not hard is to remember are all the amazing friends and connections we have made as this community has blossomed into something special...a movement that is creating a force for good in the world.
We are so excited to get to work building our most audacious vision yet, but to keep DDR going we need YOUR help. Please consider contributing and sharing with anyone who has or may in the future be impacted by what DuckDuckRoar is creating.
ALL money raised through this fundraiser will be put DIRECTLY towards the cost of running DuckDuckRoar and the creation of future events. Additionally, as a 501(c)3 nonprofit, all donations are tax-deductible and you will receive a deduction receipt for your generosity!
We would like to thank those who donate with the following:
$20 + : DDR Sticker
$40 + : DDR Tie-Dye t-Shirt
$100 + : Throw a pie in Ducky or Rory’s face
$200 + : All in Onesie from @allinonesie
$300 + : Custom Chub Skateboard from @chubcruisers
$600 + : 2 Free tickets to Spring Festival with preferred camping
$1200 + : Private Bell Tent Dinner on the water with DJ set and Fire Performance
DuckDuck Roar
San Diego, CA
DDR Sanctuary