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Help Dustin Keep Our Home

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Hi my name is Heather! I’m fundraising to help Dustin keep our home for him and our 4 children. Dustin worked so hard to create a good life for us and our children and when he bought this house on his own it was like watching a kid excited that he learn how to ride a bike without training wheels! He felt so accomplished and proud!
Unfortunately about a month ago he had injured himself(his quadricep) at work but didn’t think anything of it because if you know Dustin all he does is work work work. He worked for this business for about 12 years. He then about a week later experienced a fall in our garage so bad that he caused more injury to his quadricep and was pretty banged up. He was having trouble walking but still went to work bouncing on a fertilizer machine. A few days later he came home from work and when he came through the door he went to shove a bucket out his way using that leg and it completely gave out on him. He finally went to the ER and said pretty much that he had messed up his quadricep pretty good and to take a easy. He then sent his ER papers to his boss so he knew what was going on. He followed up with his doctor and his doctor wanted him to go see a orthopedic surgeon. He then went to see the orthopedic surgeon and he told him that he needs a few weeks of recovery and told him absolutely no working out of any kind and to rest. Well as the days went on he ended up losing his job because of him not being able to stand bouncing on a fertilizer machine and asked to go back to just cutting grass because he could at least sit on a mower and still make money. His boss didn’t like everything that was going on and let him go. Once everything happened this month Dustin started to seem very different. I don’t even know how to explain it. With all the changes in him his sister, his mom and I decided he needed to see a therapist. I took him to his appointment and during the orientation the guy decided that Dustin needs to get scanning done to rule out a head injury from the fall in the garage because the symptoms he’s having could be a sign of head trauma due to his previous TBI and they want to make sure before they decide if his PTSD has hit him full force. I’m not a medical person or a therapist so I’m trying to explain as much as I can. His condition right now he can’t even drive, can’t work and can’t be left alone. His mom, sister and I are so drained from trying to keep it together for him and keep him going till we get answers.
Im reaching out so we can try to save our home and try to keep the stress of how we’re going to pay bills etc out Dustins head. He’s not use to this since he’s always worked and most would call a workaholic! If you would like to help him out, we all would appreciate it more than you’ll ever know but if you can’t please keep us in your prayers and pray we get answers!


Heather Meyer
Perry, MI

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