Help Ease the Burden for Gavin's Family
Hello, My name is Candy. My family and I are very close friends (like family) with the family and we all would like to help Gavin's family out with the cost of the funeral. This was a very unexpected and devastating accident and the family was not in any way prepared for it along with all the extra cost. No family should have to deal with the loss of a son and the cost that it brings. They need time to grieve without worrying about the cost.
Gavin Frey lost his life on June 22, 2024, while swimming in the river. This is something that he has done many times.
Gavin was a very ambitious and full of life young man. He was loved by many and would do anything to help anyone. He just graduated high school, worked to buy his first car, just passed his driver's exam, and was ready to start his adult life. Gavin will be missed by so many people that he has touched the lives of. Funds will be sent to Gavin's family at the end of the fundraiser once all deposited as requested by his mother Heather Frey.