Help ECO International Promote Peace in Ukraine
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The Platform for Peace in Ukraine was crafted "To promote constructive discourse among persons diametrically opposed on the facts but fundamentally in agreement on how people should treat each other." To that end, ECO International is organizing an International Conference in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Vietnam in February 2025. The five-day conference will bring together long-time associates from the United States and Russian Federation to discuss the seven Articles of the Platform for Peace as well as its underlying precepts. The Platform for Peace is intended as a politically neutral ideology that can be used to counter the dominant nationalist narrative (in Russia) that war in Ukraine is necessary. A confirmed Russian delegation (entirely self-funded) asked for an in-person conference in a mutually safe forum and we agreed to meet in Vietnam. ECO International's Executive Director, Thomas Benke, will lead the U.S. delegation. The size of the U.S. delegation, and productivity of the conference generally, will depend on the support of individual donors. Please consider at least a modest donation to ECO International, not just to defray conference expenses but also as a show of support for this nascent peace-keeping effort.
Thomas Benke
Portland, OR
Eco International