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Help Ethan go to NYC Showcase

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Hello, everyone!

My name is Ethan Hardy Benson, and I am a senior at the University of Michigan studying Musical Theatre. This spring, just a few days after graduation, I am lucky enough to be participating in the MT department’s senior showcase — a presentation specially for New York agents and casting directors. 

The showcase is offered by the Department to serve as a bridge from the University to the profession. Though the Department provides rehearsal and performance spaces in Ann Arbor and NYC, invitations to agents and CDs, & a film crew for video footage… I am still responsible for additional expenses, such as flight, transportation, housing, food, showcase materials, and more. 

I am reaching out to anyone that feels compelled to give financially in support of pursuing my dreams, as this is necessary to put myself out there and a huge step in getting my career started.

Thank you so much for you generous offerings and if you feel comfortable doing so, please message me your address and I would love to send you a letter of gratitude.

Sharing this post helps just as much as any donation. Thank you so much. ❤️


Ethan Benson
Ann Arbor, MI

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