Help expand our free kids meals
Donation protected
Ok here goes. This ones a bit of a hard subject for me... sorry for the novel but I guess it’s one of those subjects.
So this project started as our help to the community, our way to give something back. And that’s all it was ever meant to be.
I never ever imagined so many messages for donations or so many people wanting to donate. But the truth is, there is so many people that want to help. I’m just lucky to have the facilities to do it.
Over the last week I have had hundreds upon hundred of people message looking to donate. As you will have noticed, I really didn’t want to accept. Not that it wouldn’t help because of course it would, but because it was an added responsibility. Taking money off someone when all we were trying to do was help people that needed it seemed wrong.
We are approaching 1000 meals in 4 days. Which is absolutely amazing it really is. The issue I have is people keep handing me money. Or leaving money for me. Posting through our door etc. and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of.
So I set up a little gofundme page for our project for those that want to donate.
As I said over and over again, I really don’t expect it. Don’t feel you have to donate to use our service or anything because that defeats the purpose of what I’m trying to do. And I promise we won’t stop doing what we do if we don’t raise funds. This is just a way we can manage the donations easier our end.
So if you want to donate, we would be eternally grateful and I can assure you I will make sure we get the most from every penny we raise and reach as many kids as we can.
If you can’t don’t feel you have to.
And please please don’t think that you can’t use our service if you don’t.
It’s genuinely a really difficult post to write and try and word to get our feelings across. But as i said, if you want to please do via the link rather than cash.
I really hope this doesn’t cause offence or seem like we are asking for funds to keep going. I just want to make it possible for those that want to help and in a position to help to be able to do so.
Thankyou all again.
This has probably been one of my hardest post to write and try and get how generally honoured and touched by all your kindness I actually am across.
We are so lucky to have such an amazing community. ❤️❤️
And finally, I am genuinely so honoured by all your kind messages and comments, shares and posts about our project. Obviously I am the face of Bennys, I get all the praise and sometime the opposite. But I have such an amazing team behind me. Jaye our front of house manager, puts so much passion into helping me with every aspect of my businesses. He keeps me levelled and generally pushes me away from a lot of my impulse decisions. He is the front of Bennys. He trains our staff. He helps design my cocktails. He keeps everything ticking. Donald.. Donald is my right hand man in the kitchen. Probably one of, if not my longest standing friend. Without him none of this would happen. He gives up hours and hours a day to get all this done. He cooks it all with me. Comes with me to deliver. Genuinely our unsung hero. Any hour of the day, the both of them are their with me. By my side and helping me with life in general.
Ryan, one of our newest members. But he is in the kitchen every weekend helping wherever he can and helping with all our meals.
All our staff. Our front of house team are genuinely the nicest bunch of people you will ever meet or ever hope to work with. Trust me I’m not easy at times. But they are loyal and devoted and they help us at the drop of a hat. This year has been hellish on them. With no hours. Being open and closed but they have stayed so loyal to us. We hope we can return the loyalty as soon as we open again.
So what I’m really getting at, behind our story, there is a huge team that make this all possible. I’m genuinely so fortunate to be in this position to be able to help. And as much as I love all the comments and praise our team is so much bigger than just me. And behind all of you is a story and it’s not to be ashamed about. I just hope we can get to a stage where the embarrassment and humiliation of accepting help doesn’t exist. God knows Iv had to do it more times than I care to imagine.
We will get through all this. We will help as many people get through it as we possibly can. And when it’s all said and done I just hope we can all look back and realise how lucky we all are.
Scott ❤️❤️
So this project started as our help to the community, our way to give something back. And that’s all it was ever meant to be.
I never ever imagined so many messages for donations or so many people wanting to donate. But the truth is, there is so many people that want to help. I’m just lucky to have the facilities to do it.
Over the last week I have had hundreds upon hundred of people message looking to donate. As you will have noticed, I really didn’t want to accept. Not that it wouldn’t help because of course it would, but because it was an added responsibility. Taking money off someone when all we were trying to do was help people that needed it seemed wrong.
We are approaching 1000 meals in 4 days. Which is absolutely amazing it really is. The issue I have is people keep handing me money. Or leaving money for me. Posting through our door etc. and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of.
So I set up a little gofundme page for our project for those that want to donate.
As I said over and over again, I really don’t expect it. Don’t feel you have to donate to use our service or anything because that defeats the purpose of what I’m trying to do. And I promise we won’t stop doing what we do if we don’t raise funds. This is just a way we can manage the donations easier our end.
So if you want to donate, we would be eternally grateful and I can assure you I will make sure we get the most from every penny we raise and reach as many kids as we can.
If you can’t don’t feel you have to.
And please please don’t think that you can’t use our service if you don’t.
It’s genuinely a really difficult post to write and try and word to get our feelings across. But as i said, if you want to please do via the link rather than cash.
I really hope this doesn’t cause offence or seem like we are asking for funds to keep going. I just want to make it possible for those that want to help and in a position to help to be able to do so.
Thankyou all again.
This has probably been one of my hardest post to write and try and get how generally honoured and touched by all your kindness I actually am across.
We are so lucky to have such an amazing community. ❤️❤️
And finally, I am genuinely so honoured by all your kind messages and comments, shares and posts about our project. Obviously I am the face of Bennys, I get all the praise and sometime the opposite. But I have such an amazing team behind me. Jaye our front of house manager, puts so much passion into helping me with every aspect of my businesses. He keeps me levelled and generally pushes me away from a lot of my impulse decisions. He is the front of Bennys. He trains our staff. He helps design my cocktails. He keeps everything ticking. Donald.. Donald is my right hand man in the kitchen. Probably one of, if not my longest standing friend. Without him none of this would happen. He gives up hours and hours a day to get all this done. He cooks it all with me. Comes with me to deliver. Genuinely our unsung hero. Any hour of the day, the both of them are their with me. By my side and helping me with life in general.
Ryan, one of our newest members. But he is in the kitchen every weekend helping wherever he can and helping with all our meals.
All our staff. Our front of house team are genuinely the nicest bunch of people you will ever meet or ever hope to work with. Trust me I’m not easy at times. But they are loyal and devoted and they help us at the drop of a hat. This year has been hellish on them. With no hours. Being open and closed but they have stayed so loyal to us. We hope we can return the loyalty as soon as we open again.
So what I’m really getting at, behind our story, there is a huge team that make this all possible. I’m genuinely so fortunate to be in this position to be able to help. And as much as I love all the comments and praise our team is so much bigger than just me. And behind all of you is a story and it’s not to be ashamed about. I just hope we can get to a stage where the embarrassment and humiliation of accepting help doesn’t exist. God knows Iv had to do it more times than I care to imagine.
We will get through all this. We will help as many people get through it as we possibly can. And when it’s all said and done I just hope we can all look back and realise how lucky we all are.
Scott ❤️❤️
Scott Learmonth