Help Fabien who cannot work due to vaccine injury
Donation protected
Fabien has two children to help support. He was told he must be vaccinated to be employed as a backcountry chef, but has just lost his ability to work due to a vaccine injury. On top of all other bills, he now has over $500 to pay for medication to help him recover from pericarditis, which he has been diagnosed with on December 6th.
It's very unfair that no one is liable for his injuries and now not only has he lost his job, he has to pay out of pocket to treat his injury. He has been in bed suffering 23 hours a day and if we can at least take a little financial burden off of him I'm sure it would help with his stress and anxiety.
Any small amount would help!
Please see below for latest updates from Fabien:
Update December 10th, 2021
I am in pain, I am so tired and also scared.
I don't know what's happening next.
The Pericarditis should be 3/4 weeks for recovery/healing.
I've got diagnose by Dr Brown and a cardiologist on Monday the 6/12/2021. They have told me it 100% sure the first shot of vaccine have been the cause of the Pericarditis.
I am waiting the call from Interior Health, they apparently forbid me to go further on the vax program (you have to be in emergency room for that ).
I have done the first shot only because the (made a several minute break, was already too tired typing) province have made it mandatory for people working with guest. My job as a cook in the back country was important for my mental health. After 2 years of depression. I've take care of myself alone, now i am afraid my condition can trigger it again. I've finally found peace for the last year (don't care about happiness, peace of mind is more important).
Since the 26/11 first Pfizer shot:
Thursday 2/12 afternoon start of short breath /chest pain digging soft snow for 15 min.
Friday the 3/12. First visit at emergency room.
Week end in bed. Few hours of moderate activity Sunday afternoon, it was already to much.
Monday (second break, had a nap) i had to go in Emergency Room for a second time, that's when i got diagnose after 5h. ER doctor Brown and the cardiologist (my ECG was finicky). Remember earing staff speaking together: "computer results looks good. And the other one saying that's not because the computer says it is right that it is actually right". Thank you guys to took the time to investigate, to find it and to tell me were it come from. Great staff at the hospital in Revelstoke. Thanks to ALL of you!
Wensday begining of afternoon after moderate activity for 2h in the morning (shower, speaking with landlord and a friend, had to dig my compost (5 min) made it very easy.
Was alrwady to much. At 2pm went in bed saying to my neighbour with a smile time for my second nap of the day. Cancel meeting I had for replace me on my job. Chest pain got worse, starting feeling really bad called 911. Had to chew Aspirin as I was maybe starting a heart attack (thankfully it wasn't), stress triggered on top of that a panic attack (didn't needed that), Rescue took a bit too long, got in ER for the 3rd time in 6 days. Hyperventilation from the panic attack have triggered a crazy shaking, my limbs were getting so contracted i had the feeling i was going to break my bones in my fingers. Thanksfully it is not an other condition from the vax but a side effect of the panic attack. Worst pain i ever felt, 7/8 on the pain scale. It was terrible for 2 hours.
Spend the night 8n hospital, too much noise, someone kept screaming. Slept 5 hours in 3 times.
At 2 pm my heart vitals were 44 beats per minute, almost every staff have asked me if i am an athlete (average adults 60 to 90) and it was after one of my most terrible day in my life. I just go in mountain up and down, that's all we do in the montains. Woke up exhusted, was thanksfully autorised to go back home. Got to sleep. Have been in bed since. Don't have energy for simple things, eating, washing dishes, took me 3hours to get the motivation to go pee this morning.
I feel like crap. It is terrible.
I have been bullied this week because i had the balls to speak of my condition. Where is your compassion? Where is your humanity?
But my video the other day have raised an anazing energy, a few strong people have helped me. Claude i was so happy to see you stepping inside the ER room just a few minutes after, i've called you in distress. My neighbour is sutch an angel, he knocked on my door manyy time a day to check on me, my landlords have a ❤️ big like a mountain. I don't feel alone, that's amazing.
My ex wife will have to keep the kids during my recovery, it geopardies her schooling and she need it.
I had people arguing with me for the vaccine those last few days, with my condition arguing is dangerous. I try to stay emotionally neutral as it is to hard to lawgh, cry, speak, argue.
But i need to speak, this is not ok to push people to put their health in danger for a medication i didn't needed. I had arguments (an other break) with people for a year saying i don't agree with this vaccination technology.
I had a chick with racist comments on of my post this week.
I had a lad contacting my boss at the lodge with an angry message. My boss is amazing he do NOT deserve this. The province, John Horgan, Dr Bonnie Henry, The NDP, the Politician at a federal level, Justin Trudeau are the one responsible. This is going world wide, it is madness.
Wanna do something big for public health? Grow good food , teach kids to cook and eat healthy, stop feedibg us crapy food, look at the general health of the population, look at diabetes, over weight, drinking, drug abuse, stress, burnout...
My name is Fabien Stocco, I speak freely of what is happening to ME and I have medical evidence of it.
Censorship from Facebook will be pure censorship. I have the right to speak of my own medical condition.
I have contacted journalist, I have been willing to share my story on the community revelstoke FB page but apparently your lost pooch and the over sugary coffee have more importance than freedom of speech.
This is a very slippery slope, wake up before it is to late. Democraty is in danger.
Refrain contacting me, i need rest, i am in my bed 22hours a day.
Fabien stocco.
Back country cook.
Hiking guide
Telemark skier
Wild life photographer
Organic gardener
I am an healthy athletic guy.
Ps if a french speaker can translate it fir me, send it back i'll publish it.
Please share my post widely. This my story.
As they say in english. I look like shit
December 6th, 2021
I need some rest, thanks for all if this love, but refrain messaging me to very close friends and close familly.
I need some rest, thank you for all these messages of love, it has touched me deeply. But I need calm and rest. Only contact me if I asked you. I need to take time to take care of myself.
Hi friends, I reactivate this account for few hours/days. After I close it up.
If you want to gossip, my messenger is still active.
Here, I wanted to share with you my misadventures of the last few days.
After months of dragging hanging feet. I needed to go through the vaccination box for my winter job as a cook in a ski-oriented hiking shelter. After two years of very severe depression and a great medical solitude (be happy with your Secu). In short, I was alone and well alone to be able to take care of myself.
For the shelter, since there is contact with customers (when I work in carpentry apparently we have less value... ) I absolutely had to show white paw and therefore two shots of vaccination.
For personal reasons... my guts, like sometimes at the top of a slope, told me no, my brain saw him the backcountry as a savior for my mental after all the shit these past years (fuck depression, get you that shit) .
In short, on November 26th, I'll be in the local Catho church gym for my first shot.
Thursday 2 afternoon shoveling for 15 minutes of soft and not too heavy snow. Here I am with a chest pain and short breath. Done with my day put kids to bed I'm falling apart dressed in my bed. I wake up the next morning at 6:30, still a chest pain. I remember when I was vaccinated, I was told about these symptoms (the night before, I was still in denial). Dropping the kids off at school, call 911 (unnecessary call), I drive to the hosto 1 min away.
First sightings, electrocardiogram, blood clot (what to do with enough antillian boudin), ultrasound heart and lungs (then liver saw hepatitis A 10 years ago, it was the case). I get home 4am after with lamba anti inflammatory and have to come back if the symptoms persist. Weekend in bed set to go 4/5 hours active Sunday afternoon...
Monday morning chest pain is still there Here I am, back to the er. Test battery and 5 hours later. Here I am with moderate Pericarditis, a massive dose of anti inflammatory for the next month, no exercise or the heart will force (ski, hiking, working... ). Ban from leaving in the backcountry, because I may not be able to have access to the necessary care on time (there is no PGHM here, so, a rescue that can take several hours, but it doesn't fly too late at night, if it steals anything short.
Gonna have to slow it down next month, do the least.
I have been banned by Interior Health (the corner side) from taking another vaccination because of my poor reaction to the first Pfizer shot.
Cherry on the cake, I have it for 500 dollars worth of money to pay out of my pocket.
So I got my Pfizer shot on November 26th... and I'm going to put a month into recovery, I normally shouldn't have long-term sequences.... All this for a vaccine I didn't want, but made mandatory without discrimination of the patient's will.
My heart hurts and it's not an image...
Little video from this morning walking out of the hosto, after I sat in the car and screamed. It feels so good. Sorry, after 3 years on here, my accent is still so shitty.
Kisses and good luck to you.
Update: statistic in Canada for Pericarditis due to the Covid 19 jab are one case for 40000 patients.
Organizer and beneficiary
Rebecca Marchildon
Revelstoke, BC
Fabien Stocco