Help us buy rice for Myanmar families in need
We’ve been runninn this fundraiser for a year now and thanks to all of your donations we have donated sacks of rice to more than 10,000 families as at end February 2022.
Our plan is to keep going for a while yet, the need is if anything even greater now as people find it increasingly difficult to find work and buy food.
We’ve been sharing updates here after most deliveries, please read on to see them - we’re working with a number of communities where we know the people and have a lot of respect for how hard they try to make ends meet - even when it is basically impossible
Thank you for being part of this
Each 16-kilo bag of rice costs 100kr (10 euro, USD 12) and will feed a family for 2 weeks.
Number of families supplied with rice so far (8/4): 10,775 plus more soon
If you’ve been following our Bokashi Myanmar project over the past few years you will know how special our team is. The following comes from my co-founder Inda and comes from his heart. For those of you who are feeling as helpless as me we’ve set up this go fund me as a practical way we can help.
Your donation will be transferred to a Swedish colleague who is still on the ground in Yangon. Our team is using the funds to buy sacks of rice - each sack will feed a family for two weeks. We're registering the families and delivering the rice ourselves. It’s that simple and that real. Your donation will save lives. It would be great if we were able to sort out the political situation but let’s at least help keep people alive.
Please read Inda’s message and help if you can. The people of Myanmar have so much potential and are so worthy of all the support we can offer so thank you from all of us.
/Jenny and team - Inda, Aye Aye, Phuong, Cristina, Claire, Hans
A year ago, 16% of the families in Myanmar were living in "extreme poverty", that means on less than USD 1.90 per day. Now, after a year of covid, lockdowns and no work, that figure is up round 60%. And unfortunately now after the coup, it will only get worse.
If you donate 1000kr, we will buy 10 sacks of rice for 10 families, enough for 2 weeks
SEK 1000 (kr) = EUR 100 = USD 120
If you donate 100kr, we will buy 1 sack of rice for 1 family, enough for 2 weeks
SEK 100 (kr) = EUR 10 = USD 12
Note: the page works better if you enter payment details manually rather than using autocorrect. Check your bank settings if you have problems!
We're hoping to keep this going for as long as it takes, so if you can help by sharing with your friends, please do!
Inda’s message:
”There are nearly 200 families starving in our neighbourhood. With the help of a beloved friend, this time we can make only a small contribution. We aim for the whole community next time. We don't want to let people have to go to work or go to bed or sit at home all day long with nothing to eat, just hungry, helpless and hopeless.
This is the time for us to show and share our humanitarian love among our most needy families.
This is a good chance for you to make your contributions in case you've been wonderinf where and how to help with the people of Myanmar.
When I say "The Most needy, Hungry, starving, families" don't take me wrong for exagerating the scenes or not having any sympathetic appreciation to them. I just want to show the real situation on the ground as I see in a plain language.
Remember, it's been a year with Covid 19 and people still survived. But now with the military coup and power take over, almost everything shuts down, businesses die out and many are actually in dire need. Not all. But some are in a serious situation with nothing to eat in their kitchen or cooking pots. Their rice storage pots are empty.
Thanks to everyone who made their contributions and both local and International friends are welcome for more contributions too. ”