Help feed Rooster613's Cat Colony
Donation protected
We are caring for a colony of 11 cats on our hobby farm in rural Minnesota. No, we are not an animal shelter or a charity, just a softhearted multi-species family willing to take in some homeless cats. And they willingly stay with us. They can go in and out as they please, but at feeding time, everybody shows up!
Why do we have so many cats?
Because people keep dumping them here on our hobby farm, or we find them lost, abandoned, scared and lonely. Several were abandoned when their humans' homes were foreclosed around 2009. Some people think you can just dump a pet cat in the country and she'll live off the land just fine. DEFINITELY NOT !! Most of the time she ends up hungry on somebody's doorstep -- or worse.
Every cat we have has his or her own story. We don't take them to shelters because out here in the boonies, there just aren't any no-kill places. I simply could not bear to think of these beautiful animals being put to death because nobody wants them.
We have 15 acres of land in the country and big open hearts, but not much money. Feeding and caring for these cats gets expensive. We finally get everybody spay/neutered and vaccinated, plus any other care they need. The colony population is now reasonably stable, but it's costing me a lot to feed them, too. Two of the cats, Koko and Garfield (see updates) are on special diets for urinary problems.
Who am I? Am I trustworthy?
I am the same "rooster613" on eBay who used to run a sale there to help feed these cats, Then in 2016, eBay changed the rules (what else is new?) and took it down because I am not a registered non-profit org. -- even though hundreds of people had bought and were satisfied and even though I clearly said it was NOT a tax-deductible charity auction. So I moved it here.
In real life, I'm Rabbi Yonassan Gershom, published author, peaceworker, vegetarian and animal welfare activist. I am best known for my books on reincarnation. But, as any author knows, you rarely get rich as a writer, and freelancing does not come with a pension. So, my retired-nurse wife, Caryl, and I sometimes struggle to feed the cats on our meager income. Again, I stress that we are not a charity and your donation is not tax deductable, but you will have very good karma for helping care for some of God's creatures.
Visit my blog, Notes from a Jewish Thoreau , for more about me, the cats, and my essays on Judaism and nature.
Why do we have so many cats?
Because people keep dumping them here on our hobby farm, or we find them lost, abandoned, scared and lonely. Several were abandoned when their humans' homes were foreclosed around 2009. Some people think you can just dump a pet cat in the country and she'll live off the land just fine. DEFINITELY NOT !! Most of the time she ends up hungry on somebody's doorstep -- or worse.
Every cat we have has his or her own story. We don't take them to shelters because out here in the boonies, there just aren't any no-kill places. I simply could not bear to think of these beautiful animals being put to death because nobody wants them.
We have 15 acres of land in the country and big open hearts, but not much money. Feeding and caring for these cats gets expensive. We finally get everybody spay/neutered and vaccinated, plus any other care they need. The colony population is now reasonably stable, but it's costing me a lot to feed them, too. Two of the cats, Koko and Garfield (see updates) are on special diets for urinary problems.
Who am I? Am I trustworthy?
I am the same "rooster613" on eBay who used to run a sale there to help feed these cats, Then in 2016, eBay changed the rules (what else is new?) and took it down because I am not a registered non-profit org. -- even though hundreds of people had bought and were satisfied and even though I clearly said it was NOT a tax-deductible charity auction. So I moved it here.
In real life, I'm Rabbi Yonassan Gershom, published author, peaceworker, vegetarian and animal welfare activist. I am best known for my books on reincarnation. But, as any author knows, you rarely get rich as a writer, and freelancing does not come with a pension. So, my retired-nurse wife, Caryl, and I sometimes struggle to feed the cats on our meager income. Again, I stress that we are not a charity and your donation is not tax deductable, but you will have very good karma for helping care for some of God's creatures.
Visit my blog, Notes from a Jewish Thoreau , for more about me, the cats, and my essays on Judaism and nature.
Check out my YouTube channel for my stories and teachings on Torah and nature:
Yonassan Gershom
Sandstone, MN