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Help Feed the Children of Our Community

Spende geschützt
Smyrna community members,

I wanted to make a donation to pay some of the past due lunch accounts for kids in our district.  During my search, I was sent to contact Child Nutrition at the school district.  While they were happy to accept a donation, they informed me that the amount owed is over $16,000.00!!!  So rather than dropping off a check, I want to make my donation here and challenge the community to help.  We have over 12,000 people in our small town.  If everyone donates $5, every kid in our school district will have their past due balance paid and we will have over $45,000 in surplus!  If you don't have $5, donate $1.  Every penny helps. 

I am going to donate $1,000.00 personally and I challenge every business in Smyrna who can afford to help, to do so.  Our children are our future.  Making sure that they don't have to worry about how their school lunches will be paid for shouldn't be their burden.  Let's help our fellow community members out.  I have seen this community accomplish some amazing feats.  Raising $20,000.00 to feed our kids shouldn't be a difficult task.

I am proud to call Smyrna my home.  I am proud to call you all my neighbors.  Let's EAGLE UP and crush this goal!

EDIT:  I spoke to Roger Holt, who runs the Child Nutrition program for the Smyrna School District.  He assured me that EVERY child is offered the same lunch regardless of their ability to pay.  That's amazing.  What this debt does do however, is follow kids from kindergarten up until even graduation in some cases.  This burden is very stressful on families in our community.  These funds will go towards paying off this balance for those families! 

Thank you all for your generosity.

EDIT: The funds will be given to the director of child nutrition at the Smynra School District.  He will be using them to pay off a portion of the past due balances for children in our community.  Which funds he pays off will be completely at his discretion.

~ Kevin


  • Anonym
    • $30
    • 5 yrs


Kevin Christensen
Smyrna, DE

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