Help Find Eric Travers
My brother Eric has gone missing in San Fransisco, CA. We haven't heard from him since Tuesday April 30th, and his phone has been dead ever since. This is unlike him, he always stays in contact with me, and always calls me or my mother in an emergency situation, he has our numbers memorized. He has not returned to the hotel he was staying at to retrieve his things, and he also missed his flight home, which is very unlike him as well.
Eric was going to San Fransico to audition for a band and to record some music, following the audition he checked into a hotel room and started checking out the city. From what I understand he was staying in a very sketchy part of town and was affiliating himself with some sketchy people as well. This information has his family, loved one's, friends, and fans very concerned.
A missing persons report was filed a day after we lost contact with him, but an investigator has not been asingned to the case by the SFPD. Eric has severe epilepsy and all his medications were left in the hotel room he hasn't returned to, he needs them to survive. Leading me to believe (God forbid) some foul play may be involved here. Eric would go back for his medications.
We have been checking all the Bay Area hospitals, morgues, and checking in with the police every day, he hasn't turned up anywhere.
My mother is worried sick, and am so am I. At this point I am ready to fly out there and try and find him myself and hire a private investigator to find him as well. However I am a single parent in construction and don't exactly have the funds sitting around for this. Please help.